The rather attractive Kasumi agreed to spar with a handshake. Jun could tell by the feel of her skin that she had probably trained with weapons as well even if she hadn't mentioned it. He ignored her comment about their differing styles. Even if she thought he would be at a disadvantage because of his lack of Bending ability, Jun would prove her wrong later. Only a moment passed before the Earth-Bender Pema arrived at the table and Kasumi seemed to explode with giddy laughter as women often do when they meet old friends. Pema was also quite attractive and Jun was beginning to think that the Order of the White Lotus must be doing something right for all these beautiful women to be around. Even the bouncy one, whom Bison referred to as Lemur, was notably good-looking. Jun simply let Kasumi to greet her friend and enjoyed his plate of meat. Jun had never actually eaten food from the White Lotus dining hall before since Master So Hai forced him to gather his own food from the surrounding area. The fact that the Old Man even let Jun in was a sign that he was growing on him. Each morsel was extremely well prepared and unique to the others. Every bite held it's own sensation of flavor and Jun forgot all about the pretty ladies around him. Jun finally got to experience the food that the Old Man selfishly hogged for himself for as long as he had been in training. This meant that today would be a good day.