[center][b]VALENTE[/b] Valente froze when the spirit appeared and kissed his forehead, sending a cold shiver down his spine. He had forgotten that by hanging out with Adrien there was a higher chance of seeing that creepy spirit, but it was better to keep an eye on things then to blatantly ignore it. He would just have to toughen up and bare through it! So what if this creepy spirit was in love with him? He wasn't fazed by it! He grew up with ten brothers and a fearless sister so he knew how to brush things off easily! But despite saying all that, he couldn't stop the feeling of his heart sinking when he thought about the future. Quickly wiping the spot the spirit kissed with the back of his hand. his mood did a total 180 and he clasped Adrien's shoulders with a happy smile," Well! Let's pretend that never happened okay? As I was saying, we're going to be the best of friends now so let's get you out of his dingy cellar and into your own room! As of now, you are an honorary member of the Giordano family! Well, maybe not a member? I think you have to be a vampire to actually be a member...but I'm a member, and I'm not a vampire, but maybe I'm a special case???" he paused, looking into the distance with a glazed stare. He quickly snapped out of it though and returned his attention to Adrien, " Anyway, you might not be a member but you're going to stay here from now on! Atleast until I find that basketball I'm looking for....So if you've ever seen Beauty and the Beast, you're Belle, the Boss is the Beast, and I can be that smooth talking candle thing!" He explained as they walked up the stairs to exit the cellar. He wasn't totally sure if Protettore would allow this human to live in the fortress, but it wasn't like they had alot of choices. [b]RYOICHI[/b] Ryo took it as a personal insult that his Grandpa chose to call Ryuu rather him, but didn't let it get to him. There could be a number of reasons why Grandpa Jecht called Ryuu and not him so he didn't dwell on it. He did brighten up when Jecht greeted him and he piped up, " Hi grandpa!! I'm even stronger now!" He stuck his tongue out at his brother, in addition to flicking him off, and listened to what his Grandpa Jecht was saying. When the call ended, Ryo was ready to throw another punch, but Ryuu fled before he had the chance. " Yeah, you better run, weak bitch!" He called after him, watching him leave. " AHAHAHAHAHA did you see how quickly he retreated Mama?" He turned back to where he left Vencentio, only to find it empty. " Mama?? Mama?!" Panic flooded his veins at the thought of Vencentio missing! It was his [i]one[/i] job, and he couldn't even do it correctly! But damn it if anyone was going to find out he failed, especially that bastard Ryo, so he started his search for his Mama, hoping not to run into his father or one of his underlings. But luck was not on his side today. [b]AMPELLIO[/b] " Don't worry, Marcy took him," Ampellio mumbled through a mouthful of bread, holding an entire footlong sub in one hand and a plastic bag in the other. Ryo stopped his frantic searching to look at Ampellio with an unreadable expression. The older vampire merely smiled and took another bite of his meatball sub. It was no secret that Protettore's children didn't like him too much, but Ampellio didn't mind. As long as he had Protettore's interest, he could make it through anything. And since these were Protettore's children, even if they weren't blood related, he tended to treat them nicely. " Here, I got these for you to share with your brother, but since he ran off, I guess you can have them all." He offered the plastic bag over to Ryo, who took it slowly and peered inside. " This is just convenience store junk! I can't eat this, I need to loose fat, not gain it!" Just like a shift in the tide, Ampellio's smile faded into a frown and he narrowed his eyes at the boy, " You think I would buy you junk food, Ryoichi? Do you think I would allow you to eat such disgusting things? [i]No.[/i] I have collected the best, the [i]only[/i] best, and most nutritious food for you to aid your training." All too suddenly, Ampellio was right in Ryo's face and reached into the bag, pulling out a HotPocket and waving it infront of the startled vampire's face, " Did you know that HotPockets have [b]ZERO[/b] trans fat per serving and are a great source of calcium? Not only that but they contain seven essential vitamins and minerals, in more than thirty different varieties?? Their iron, niacin and riboflavin are at fifteen percent! Fifteen percent, Ryoichi, and you think this is garbage?" "N-no! I mean...I d-didn't know, I'm sorry!" Ryo took the HotPocket that Ampellio had been holding and cradled it carefully in his hands, " Thank you so much, I'll go heat this up right now!" He stumbled over himself to run to the kitchen and Ampellio chuckled to himself as he watched him go. " Just as planned," he commented before taking a couple more bites of his delicious sandwich and continuing on his way to Protettore's room. It wasn't that Ampellio was an avid food enthusiast--well not [i]just[/i] that anyway--but he enjoyed manipulating people into doing what he wanted, and if he wanted someone to eat a HotPocket, then they were sure as hell going to eat that HotPocket, and [i]enjoy[/i] it.[/center]