[center] Adrien He felt uneasy about Valente's words, certain that Belle only got a happy ending because the Beast fell in love with her. Adrien felt 100% sure the terrifying vampire who tried to murder him a few minutes ago definitely did not care about him, so he guessed that his survival was not something he should put his hopes in. He assumed that his promotion to honorary member did nothing about his status as a prisoner. "So if you find the basketball...I die?"he asked warily, beginning to doubt his savior. He then realized that he should attempt to stay on Valente's good side regardless, and quickly changed the subject. "Well anyways, you said you are not a vampire? What are you, Valente?"he added with an attempted polite tone, following the blond out of the cellar. Ryuunosuke Sipping on some soda in his room, Ryuu casually laid on his bed as he held his phone out in front of him. Hello, dad. I got a call from grandpa and he said him and grandma are coming to visit us and asked me to tell you. he wrote, double checking his message twice for spelling errors before pressing send. While he would have liked to tell his father in person, Ryuu had no idea where he was at the moment, and searching the whole fortress was unproductive. Still, a sense of worry filled him at the thought of his father never getting his text. What if he got scolded for not relaying the message? The young vampire sighed and ran his fingers through his hair, figuring he could blame his brother somehow, then grabbed his video game to help distract his mind of that fact that Ryo exists. Marcellina "Valente, there you are!"she shouted happily, waving her hand before sprinting over to her friend. He appeared distressed and for some strange reason, a human was trailing behind him. Marcellina did not see any sort of restraints on the human and she wondered who he was, especially when she noticed his outfit because it sucked. "Oh, a human! Are you bringing someone their dinner? Is he for me, Valente?"she teased, and then giggled when she saw the boy's face pale. "Relax! I'm just kidding, I already fed. And where did you buy that outfit you silly human, it looks so plain!"she added, purposely attempting to mess with the human, and to her amusement she saw the boy frown. He apparently did not dare to say anything back at her, not that he could since she always looked fashionable even if she was dressed in rags, so Marcellina quickly lost interest in him. "Anyways, Valente, I heard rumors of a spirit and I saw some of our men unconscious. Do you know anything about it?"she asked, her voice a little more serious. Izel "I request salt!"he yelled as he barged into the kitchen, a determined look on his face. "It is of the urgence of importance, my fellow clansmen! A spirit is loose and I must perform a ritual to protect Lord Anastasio from her clutches. I have gathered the other necessary items for this ritual and-" "Ay, calm down vampbro, I got the gist of it."a young pink haired man interrupted, a container of salt in hand. "Gotta creepy chick wanderin around here and makin this place twice as crazy. Just don't use all of this for your weird cult ceremonies. And, uh, don't try to use humans for blood sacfrice again, bro, thats not cool cuz I gotta clean that up and you vamps get all crazy with the smell of too much blood and the boss might get mad that you wasted food."he continued to say, hesitantly handing Izel the salt. "To you I am grateful, my friend!"he thanked, turning around and running out of the kitchen doors. He dodged the nephew of Lord Anastasio as he exited and immediately began to run towards the office. "My lord!"he shouted frantically, searching for Anastasio. "My lord!" Olivier After handing Izel the salt, he watched the vampire run out of the kitchen. He sighed as he finished cleaning the counter, wondering how he managed to befriend Izel in the first place, and was about to start to mop the floor when he heard someone else enter. Olivier realized it was one of the boss' sons and immediately set down his cleaning materials to approach the young vampire. Oh man time to get into butler mode again. he thought, then noticed the hot pocket in Ryo's hands. "Hello sir, would you like me to warm that up for you? Or get you anything at all?"he asked politely, making sure not to speak informally in the presence of his boss' son. [/center]