"Anyone is fine to join, it belong to all of us, right?"She smiled. Until she noticed Doomsday. Shock wanted to take Ditto by the neck and just strangle him. She was in civilian clothes because she thought this would be some sort of a warm up. Looking in the distance she saw him throw a car. "See where procrastinating got you, Ver?"She mumbled to nobody in particular. She looked over at Plasticman curling into a ball. "Already thinking quick on the offensive! I like it. I'll join you!"Seeing that gave Veronica some inspiration. Until he didn't do anything...Apollo on the other hand ran on the offensive first and actually landed a blow! But it seemed like he was starting to take a beating. Maybe it was time for teamwork? She breathed out and ran with her palms faced back as sparks crackled around her body. About a quarter of the way, she shot electricity from the palms of her hands and used it as a propulsion to go up and over Apollo, for a kicking blow to the face. Unfortunately, the gargantuan doomsday grabbed her leg before she made contact with him and sent her flying into one of the cars. A big dent forming around and left by her body, Shock moaned in pain. Her body felt wholly on fire as the pain radiated through her body. Breathing shallow for a moment, she probably should have came up with a plan instead of rushing first into danger. This was the kind of thing Animal Man always reprimanded her for. She struggled with opening her eyes for minutes there and then perceived doomsday advancing to her teammates, presuming Shock was down for the count. Shock forced herself up to notice a lot of her tank top had been torn revealing her flat brown stomach and the jeans had been left with holes. Just great too because she really liked this civ outfit. No time to worry about that now, Magnetizing a pipeline from the damaged car, she sent it at a fast speed for doomsday's back.