Okay I think this should do. If anyone has any ideas as to what I could change, please let me know. And be as critical as you want. Don't hold back. Name: Orzahva B. Allen Age: 23 Gender: Male SO: Straight History: Allen was born on an island in the South Blue. He never knew his parents and lived in the forest all alone. Everyone on the island didn’t want anything to do with him. To learn how to get off the island, he started watching the shipwrights at the docks as they worked on new ships. With the skills he learned over a few years, he turned 16 and built his own ship to sail the seas, but he didn’t have the supplies necessary for the voyage. Thankfully though, he caught the attention of one of the shipwrights who saw what a great job he did, and decided to supply him with everything necessary to get to the next island. He set sail for the East Blue, and due to many circumstances, he got to Lougetown 5 years later. Throughout those years, he came across many people, many different islands, and learned some things about him own family. After everything he has been through, he decided to wait a while in Lougetown for a few years or so. He spent the next two years looking for a suitable pirate crew to join, and while staying there, he found a Devil Fruit in a small crate just laying in one of the alleys of Lougetown. Not long after, he found the crew he would join. Personality: Kind, Protective, Unsocial, Mostly sarcastic, Uncharismatic, Very Selfless, Secretly emotional, Mostly fearless, Non-persuasive, Pacifist. Other Bio: Finds every way possible to avoid a fight. Reason? When incredibly pissed off, or given no other option but to fight, Allen becomes… different. His personality becomes unrecognizable. He also ignores all pain caused to him, and becomes about 5x stronger and faster, regardless of his small figure. Basically, think of The Hulk, just without the massive body growth or ripping out of his clothes. When in this mode, he loses all control, and would hurt even his friends if they get in his way, without knowing that he is even doing so. Only goal in life is to live life to its fullest before he dies. Crew Position: Shipwright Weapons(if any): None, if he can help it. Devil Fruit(if any): Unknown. Shaped like grape bushel. Orange color. Each grape shaped like a Gusher. Abilities: -Very observant. Almost scary how observant. -Can build things with great speed and accuracy. Other(if anything): -Aware of his anger issue. Has very good control over it. -Hates The Celestial Dragons with a passion. Loathe if you prefer. -Becomes social in serious situations, or when it’s about ships. Sorry, but I still can't find a suitable picture for the character's look. For now. I have a general description.... -Blue eyes -Blonde hair -5' 7'(1.7 m) -Scrawny figure (120 lbs./54 kg.) -Caucasian(tanned) -If you have a good imagination, then try to put this in anime form, and that's the character's face. [img=https://scontent-b-ord.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn1/t1.0-9/1978663_651233614959962_64805681_n.jpg] That's all I have for now.