Juneberry smiled as Kitten made her way over and was instantly barraged by questions from literally everyone....even thouse all the way down the other side of the long table. It was nice that finally someone else was getting stared at besides her, but at the same time she knew her friend had to be feeling quite uncomfortable. Sure enough, after a few minutes, Kitten up and dashed out of the hall and Juneberry watched her leave with a worried look on her face. As she was about to stand, some guy across from her at the table spoke. "Jeez, whats her problem? All the bitches in this house are crazy, huh." the upperclassman spoke and nudged his friend who nodded in agreement. Juneberry's mouth dropped open, and some other girls at the table looked pissed off as well, though they didn't seem like they were going to say anything. She stayed quiet for a bit, silently filling her plate with fruits and veggies and making another that was more assorted with meat, bread, and fruits. She was going to find Kitten and bring her a plate. Even if she felt she wanted to be alone....it were those times when it was best for one not to be. Juneberry stood up and was about to leave when she remembered the guy who said the "crazy" bit from before. "Just so you know," she started, not afraid of the upperclassmen. "Its the [i]"crazy bitches"[/i] that will kill you in your sleep if you piss us off." she said. He looked a bit frightened for a moment before he tried to laugh and play it cool. "Yeah, whatever Lovegood, did you take your meds today?" In one swift movement she reached for a fork and dug it into the chicken he was about to raise to his mouth. It made him and his butthead friend jump. "No i didn't, so i think it would be in your best interest to fill your mouth with that garbage you call food, and watch what you say about a girl you beast." she glared at him for a moment then smiled. "I'll see you later." She took out her wand and said "Levioso." and waved it over the two plates. They rose up and hovered in front of her, and then she quickly left the hall in search for her friend.