[hider=Prepare Yourself...][B]Basics for this RP in Preparation for the OoC:[/B] The standard adventurer’s kit includes a backpack, bedroll, flint and steel, belt pouch, 20 torches (4 hours of illumination in total), 10 days of trail rations, 50 feet of rope, and a waterskin. Each person will start with this basic Adventurer's Kit, but you can add onto it. Some examples of things you may choose to add are armour, or skill equipment (lutes, musical instruments, spell books, scrolls, cooking supplies, a map, ect). In regards to magic, there are many different fields that you can use. Each character can learn magic at any time during the RP, but if you choose to start with it then that's fine. You will be allowed to choose a Primary Magic Type (the one your character is more proficient with and uses more often. This will determine what type of wizard/Mage they are), and/or a Secondary Magic Type (should you wish to have one. This will be a lesser known/used magic type, but at least you'll sleep better at night knowing you have a backup). Just like with the Magic Types, you are allowed to choose between 2 Different Classes, should you decide to have two. The primary one will be where your character mostly comes from, but the secondary one will give you bonuses that could compliment your primary choice. For example, you may choose to be a "Wizard", but have a secondary class of "Paladin". This would mean you get the healing benefits of a Paladin and allows you to cast additional Arcane Magic on top of your existing magic without taking up a "Magic Type" spot. [hider=Rules][B]1.[/B] No GMing. We don't want any Mary-Sues or Gary-Sues [B]2.[/B] Maximum of 3 Active Characters per person. Any more needs approval by a GM [B]3.[/B] Characters can and probably WILL die, but please ASK somebody before you attempt to kill their character rather then just say "Your guy is dead." [B]4.[/B] Keep it PG-13!! Romance and Lovey-Dovey stuff is fine, as well as the occasional innuendo, but take smut scenes to PM, please. Also, violence is allowed, but please don't rip out a guys entrails and hold them above his head while he slowly dies. We're not monsters (although Orcs are known to do that) [B]5.[/B] Some scenes will be time skipped if they drag on too long/get too boring, but most of the time we will RP things through. [B]6.[/B] Most likely at the beginning, your character will join the main group of heroes. If you choose to meet with them later on, let me know so I can create an event that will introduce our characters to one another. [B]7.[/B] Your character is only allowed 2 Magic Types (a Primary and a Secondary) or "God Mod" Powers. Each power MUST have a weakness. That being said, here's a list of "powers" that are considered "GM": [hider=GM Powers/Magic Types] Before I go into this too much, I have something to say about Immortality/Eternal Youth. No character is immortal. They can all die by natural means or if they are killed in battle. However, this rule really only applies to a select few, such as Elves, because they just stop aging normally and can live forever until their light fades away. [B]Magic/GM Abilities:[/B] • Elemental Control (Fire/Earth/Air/Water Benders. Difference between this and Elemental Abilities is that you CONTROL the elements around you, but you can't generate it with your own magic.) • Flight • Healing • Telepathy • Telekinesis (moving things with your mind) • Extreme Disguises (ex. Changing ones voice entirely to imitate somebody else, shape shifting, or even making yourself look exactly like somebody else) • Coming Back from the Dead/Necromancy (this one will NOT BE ALLOWED UNDER ANY [u]REGULAR[/u] CIRCUMSTANCES. I WILL HAVE TO APPROVE THIS IF YOU PLAN ON USING IT, BUT IN GARRN, NECROMANCY IS STRICTLY ILLEGAL). • Invincibility (unless you're some kind of Jesus character, which won't be allowed, you can die at any time. Now, not-aging physically is one thing, but you're not invincible) • Multiple Visions (X-Ray, Heat Vision, Sonar, Infared, ect. I'll be lenient with this, but we shouldn't have a problem considering this isn't the X-Men) • Elemental Abilities (Fire Breath, Ice Breath, shooting Fire from your hands, pretty much anything a wizard normally does. Difference is this GENERATES the magic from your body.) • Star Power (controlling the stars) • Summoning (this can be a tricky one. As long as nobody's summoning fire demons or Ifrits, we should be okay. Keep it somewhere in between a pinecone and a Cheetah.) • Imagination/Growth Magic (ex. Creating things out of thin air, making new life from nothing, basically creating your own world. This will be heavily monitored if its chosen by somebody) • Transformations/Shape Shifting (if you have different forms like a Werewolf, then that's fine. This applies more so to "I'll turn into a massive dragon and burn down villages on an instants notice" kind of transformations, which I don't allow.) * Some abilities like Archery or Smithing are already included with some races. Elves are natural archers and know much about the environment (agriculture, things concerning animals, wildlife) and have great agility, Dwarves and Orcs are natural smiths and can appraise almost any artifact or gemstone (plus, they have an amazing talent for having a higher resistance to the effects of alcohol), Draenei and Night Elves are amazing astronomers and study the stars and planets to help them practice their magic, Humans are great merchants and alchemists and can harness many artistic methods such as song or the playing of instruments, Halflings and Goblins are exceptional lockpickers and are great with sneaking or anything to do with being light and hidden, and Fungon's and Draconians know just as much about the natural world as Elves, they are great brawlers and are able to tell where their exact position in the world is thanks to their mythical backgrounds. I'll include a list of talents that each race already has in full detail if prompted, but for now just feel free to ask if you have any questions. [B]Abilities/Skills:[/B] SKILLS (Choose 6) • acrobatics • agriculture/agronomy • alchemy • analysis • anatomy • ancient history • animal anatomy • animal behavior • animal disease • animal evaluation • animal handling • animal health • animal lore • animal management • animal nutrition • animal selection • animal training • antiques • appraisal • archery • area knowledge (area) • armorer • artifact lore • astrology • astronomy • bargain • barter • battle-ready • blacksmith • blindfighting • boating • bootlicking • boozing • botany • bowyer • brainwashing • brawling • breath control • brewing • bribery • camping • carpentry • charm • climbing • con • cooking • counter-espionage • counterfeit/identify • craft/create • cultures • dancing • detect lies (psych) • diagnose • diplomacy • disguise • diving • dodge • escape • espionage • etiquette • evaluate • explosives • falconry • familiarity (subject) • farming • fast-draw • fencing • fire building • first aid • fishing • forgery • handwriting analysis • hawking • health sciences • heavy weapons • herbalism • hiding • history • hunting • identify • impersonation • intelligence analysis • intimidation • jack of all trades • language • law • leadership • leatherworking • legends/lore • linguistics • lip reading • listen • literacy language • lockpicking • lying • marketing • martial arts • massage • melee weapon • medicine • merchant • mining • mountaineering • move silently • musical instrument • music appreciation • mysticism • navigation • negotiation • observation • oceanography • occult lore • packing • persuasion • philosophy • pick pocket • pilot (Aircraft, Boats) • poetry • poisons • prospecting • public speaking • quick-draw • read/write (foreign languages) • religion • sabotage • safecracking • seafaring • sewing • seduction • sex appeal • shiphandling • sign language • singing • sleight of hand/prestidigitation • smuggling • sneak • speak language • spelunking • spot hidden • stealth • storytelling • strategy • streetwise • survival • tailor/seamstress • throw • thrown weapon • topography • torture • toxicology • tracking • traps, animal • traps, combat • trapcraft • urban legends • voice mimicry • weaponsmith • weapon lore • weaving • wildlife • woodworking • writing, professional • writing, technical • writing, creative Adapt: Ability to fit in to social organizations and situations Alertness: The ability to stay alert without sleep Analyze: The ability to figure out components, processes, or structure Astronomy: The study of stars, planets, and other gravitational wells in space Blade: The ability to effectively use cutting weapons in combat Bow: The ability to effectively use bow weapons in combat Brawl: Fighting without weapons in an undisciplined manner. Brewing: The ability to make beer and wines Business: The ability to bargain, buy, sell, inventory, bribe, and otherwise use money effectively Carpentry: The ability to shape wood into useful items Climbing: The ability to climb walls, cliffs, and trees Construction The ability to build structures from available components Convince: The ability to persuade others Cooking: The ability to cook nutritious and tasty food Course: The ability to navigate a set path. Cryptography: The ability to encrypt and decrypt data Dash: The ability to perform marvellous feats of physical prowess. Demolition: The ability to effectively set and use explosives Diagnosis: The ability to identify an injury or disease before attempting a cure Disguise: The ability to change the outward appearance of some person or thing Drinking: The ability to consume large quantities of alcohol Drug: The ability to use and make drugs to cause and cure injury or sensory abnormalities Entice: The ability to trick others into a course of action Engrace: The ability to move with grace and style Evaluate: The ability to quickly assess the value of something Endear: The ability to make yourself liked and wanted amongst NPC's. Focus: The ability to concentrate on one thing despite distractions. Forgery: The ability to convincingly write documents which appear to be genuine, but are not Goad: The ability to force another into action by insults. The course of the action is not in the goader’s control Gymnastics: The ability to make leaps, somersaults and other such moves with extreme skill Herbalism: The ability to use plants as medicines and poisons History: Knowledge of past events Husbandry: The ability to care for plants and animals Instruct: The ability to teach others effectively Intimidate: The ability to bluff and deceive others as to one's true strength Linguistics: The ability to speak & comprehend languages from basic principles Leadership: The ability to take command of others, to have others do what you want them to do by making them want to do it for you Link: The ability to establish a magical channel or connection between two people places or things Martial Arts: Weaponless combat system. Meditation: The ability to keep the mind clear and the body relaxed in difficult circumstances by using special breathing and posture exercises. Melee: The ability to efficiently use bashing weapons in combat Minerology: The study of minerals and metals Music: The ability to express oneself in sound Negotiate: The ability to sway another to your point of view Observe: The ability to watch people, data, and objects and notice small discrepancies Organize: The ability to optimize groups, objects, and work for greatest efficiency Orient 3D: The ability to always keep one’s bearings in a 3 dimensional space Overdo: The ability to go past your normal limits Lockpicking: The ability to open locked doors using simple metal tools Psychology: The ability to understand the hidden drives behind people's actions React: The ability to avoid a bad situation using physical reflexes Repair: The ability to fix broken or damaged objects and devices Research: The ability to find out known information on a given subject Sell: The ability to convince others that they want what you have Sleight-of-Hand: The ability to use sleight-of-hand tricks Snare: The ability to create, set, and disable traps Sneak: The ability to move quietly and unseen Stash: The ability to hide things in nooks and crannies or in plain sight Strategy: The ability to dispose of large forces and plan long range Streetwise: The ability to find connections, rumors, and general urban survival Survival: The ability to live off the land Tactics: The ability to use personnel on hand to best effect Training: The ability to train animals to do tricks Treatment: The ability to cure diseases and wounds without surgery Tracking: The ability to follow a creature or object by noticing signs of its passage Unarmed: Weaponless combat system taught by the military. Weather: The ability to predict weather patterns Writing: The ability to express oneself using the written word That's pretty much all the ones that I can think of, but I'll update this list if I find any that seem too outlandish. I don't think we'll have an issue with that though, considering this isn't a Superhero RP [B]8.[/B] Post at least 2 paragraph's (10 sentences in both) each time (more is fantastic though) [B]9.[/B] GM posts will be announced (these include plot movers, special events or even the death/introduction of a new character) [B]10.[/B] If you got this far, here's a cookie *hands cookie* Also, include the phrase "Adventure, Ho!" in your "Other" section just so I can tell who's read the rules and who hasn't. [B]11.[/B] Please make PvP combat fair. It really sucks when somebody unleashes their ultimate power and freezes the other person's foot to the floor, then proceed to just punch the crap out of their immobile opponent. In addition, GM moves will NOT be allowed inside PvP combat unless approved/announced in a GM event. There will only be a few exceptions, such as Elemental Powers or Flight. [B]12.[/B] Enjoy the RP to the best of your ability!![/hider] [hider=Classes][u][B]The Fighter Classes:[/B][/u] Other Names: Warrior, Soldier. In any game with classes, one of them will always map to the Fighter. The Fighter is the tank of a group and the most basic and broad class, usually recommended for beginners. The fighter is basically, the strong guy with heavy armor, a large melee weapon, and possibly a shield or second melee weapon. Compared to the other classes, Fighters tend to be powerful but slow. Variations include: [B]The Barbarian:[/B] Other Names: Berserker. The Barbarian is a breed of Fighter focused more on damage than defense. Note that in systems where Barbarians have normal or greater than normal physical defense compared to other warriors, such as D&D, they will usually have no defense whatsoever against magic. Often characterized by wearing less armor, being less civilized, and being able to fly into a berserker rage that increases damage output or allow them to do more damage based on how hurt they are. [B]The Knight:[/B] Other Names: Cavalier. The Knight is often depicted as a more experienced Fighter. He typically wears better armor, and may be more defensive, as well as being able to employ mounted combat on a steed. In a Lions and Tigers and Humans... Oh, My! setting, he may be a horse himself. [B]The Swashbuckler:[/B] A fighter who tends toward light or no armor and prefers agility, cunning, daring and technical skill to sheer force. Tends to be rogue-like in his or her trappings (though usually more flamboyant than subtle) and is often used to evoke the Rogue archetype in games where skills and stealth play a small or no role. A likely default class for The Hero, especially in JRPGs and adventure novels after Alexandre Dumas. [B]The Paladin:[/B] Other Names: Crusader, Templar, Inquisitornote . The Paladin is a Fighter with a side of Healer, using White Magic to be more defensive; their devotion to their God or Deity gives them various prayers, healing abilities and spells that protect themselves and others. Naturally, they tend to fall under Magic Knight. They are also quite good at laying the smite down on undead, demons and other evil supernatural creatures. However, they may have behavioral limits: some rulesets impose varying penalties on taking actions that stray too far from Lawful Good, which can lead to weakening of abilities, loss of abilities or sometimes even being kicked out of the "Paladin" class entirely. [B]The Samurai:[/B] Other Names: Yojimbo, Kensai, Weapon Master, Blademaster, Axemaster, Macemaster, Flailmaster Spearmas- you get the idea. Samurai wear less armor than regular Fighters, which leads them with less defensive abilities. In general, they commonly have access to Ki Attacks, higher damage, and higher speed and mobility. Generally restricted to Asian settings. Because Yojimbo are mercenaries, they may be literally able to spend money to deal more damage. [B]Warlord:[/B] Other Names: General, Tactician, Marshal, Commander. The Warlord is a tactical master. He can hold his own in frontline combat as well as giving out buffs to his underlings and allies, usually by commanding them to superior positions than the ones they would have thought of on their own, and he may have protective auras made of his own charisma to increase a team's effectiveness in battle. [B]Hero:[/B] This is the class generally used by RPG protagonists. Although they are definitely a physical class, and sometimes referred to by one of the names of the classes above, they aren't a Mighty Glacier or Stone Wall; in fact, they're much closer to being the Jack of All Stats/Trades. They may gain some magic, and will almost certainly have unique skills. Almost always uses a sword, and possibly a shield. [u][B]The Magician Classes:[/B][/u] Other Names: Mage, Wizard, Sorcerer, Witch, Warlock, Magi, Magus, Sage, Magician. By whatever name you know this class by, you know this class. In any game with classes, there will always be one that maps to the Magician. These have the widest variety of any set of role-playing classes simply because there are so many varieties of Functional Magic. In a Fantasy Kitchen Sink setting, there can potentially be an infinite number of magic users, so long as there is justification for considering them each their own type. A Magician is usually a Glass Cannon, blasting away at long range, but easily taken down at close range. Variations include: [B]The Inherent Gift Magician:[/B] Other Names: Sorcerer. This magic-user was born with abilities they don't need to study, and can use more readily than other magicians. This is sometimes explained as being descended from a magical creature, other times as being part of a Witch Species. However, they are often much less versatile than other magic-users, being limited to a smaller or much more tightly-themed pool of spells. Commonly, their powers manifest at adolescence. [B]The Theurgist Magician:[/B] Other Names: Warlock. The Magician makes a pact with a higher spirit (although not usually a god since those tend to be distinct in fantasy settings), who supplies him with magical powers. This is usually flavored with a Deal with the Devil. While healing class pacts are seen as good, a magician that makes a pact with an entity that gives them the power to harm or destroy is usually flavored in a darker light - and it may turn out to be with demons or Eldritch Abominations. Thus, this type of magic is usually heavily offensive and nasty. [B]The Vancian Magician:[/B] Other Names: Wizard, among many others. These casters rely on Rule Magic and study to learn and wield magic, usually taking years, leaving their bodies squishy and out of shape... most of the time. Dusty tomes and candlelit towers are what you should associate with these guys. If there's a distinction between this and the Inherent Gift Magician, it will be that these ones have some kind of limitation — like needing to prepare which spells they'll use ahead of time — in exchange for more versatility if prepared. [B]The Red Mage:[/B] A magician who does not specialize in one school or tradition and studies the magic of various types. They tend to be rare, and depending on which limitations they have, may be very powerful thanks to their versatility or very weak thanks to their lack of focus. Of all the kinds of magician, they tend to be the most open minded and least prone to think there are Un Equal Rites. [B]The Blue Mage:[/B] Other Names: Mime, Mimic. A magician who does not usually rely on standard spells, but instead learns various spells and special abilities from monsters encountered in travel. Often they will need to see the spell or special ability in action, or cast their own unique spell to 'absorb' the ability. Traditionally will develop to be as diverse as the Red Mage, except with unique monster-like abilities to supplement them. [B]The Illusionist Magician:[/B] A magic-user who casts illusions. Generally considered weak, with no real damage output, and has been phased out of most settings - their abilities are generally given to characters with Psychic powers and Bards. [B]The Nature Magician:[/B] Wields power over the natural world, often including elements, animals, and plants. [B]The Elemental Magician:[/B] A specialized Magician who can only use Elemental Powers in some way. They may be able to use all the elements, or may specialize in one or two. Often, they are the key to winning Elemental Rock-Paper-Scissors in their setting. [B]The Druid Magician:[/B] A jack of all trades nature magician. They often have a mix of elemental offense, healing, and the ability to morph into animals or elemental spirits to become melee fighters. To further the overlap with the Cleric classes, is often a worshiper of nature. [B]The Shamanic Magician:[/B] A nature magician with a Summoner twist. This class generally revolves around bargaining with spirits and building a Place of Power for yourself. (Although since a story about someone who stays in the same place is likely to get boring, this place may become more or less mobile in practice.) [B]The Elemental Magician:[/B] Usually a subtype of the above, This class(variant) is characterized by an almost exclusive focus on a particular Classical Element. Air, Earth, Fire, or Water, and/or derivatives thereof (Lightning, Plants, Ice, etc...). This can be inborn, a pact/link with an Elemental Embodiment as opposed to a demon, or simply their personal preference. [u][B]The Rogue Classes:[/B][/u] Other Names: See below. Rogues are usually dexterous thieves or treasure-hunters who are experts in stealth, infiltration, lockpicking, traps and the disarming thereof, sneak attacks, and attacking from the rear. In almost any game with classes, there will be at least one that maps to the Rogue. They are often lumped in with Ranger-type characters, but more commonly specialize in melee - particularly with light blades and daggers. They tend to be quick but fragile, limited to light armor, but deal a lot of damage when allowed to do so. See also The Sneaky Guy. Variations include: [B]The Thief:[/B] The Thief, when it is a separate class, is a version of the Rogue with lower damage, but the ability to steal items from enemies. Sometimes, this can extend even to intangible items, such as experience points, but more commonly includes rare items that cannot be obtained in any other way. [B]The Assassin:[/B] A more offensive-rogue, who sacrifices technical expertise for better stealth and killing abilities. Often have a variety of weakening and poisoning abilities and are able to cripple a foe to leave him open for allies or to let him die from damage over time. [B]The Gambler:[/B] The Gambler is a fairly rare variation more often seen in video games than in pen and paper settings. The Gambler is a rogue who has a set of magical powers that rely more on chance than usual. They may have to draw a card, spin a roulette, roll magical dice, or activate a magical slot machine to get a desired effect which may be positive or negative depending on their luck. Very likely to attack with playing cards in lieu of throwing knives. [B]The Ninja:[/B] Generally, the highest tier of Rogue-type classes. The Ninja is a rogue who may have a long list of useful skills. Stealth and backstabbing are universal, but beyond that, it gets hazy. Invisibility, smoke techniques that increases evasion, long-range elemental powers, and sometimes special bonuses to combat like dual-wielding. They also tend to excel at throwing items like shurikens, daggers, and kunai. Often a Game Breaker. May be combined with the Assassin or distinct. [B]The Pirate:[/B] Other Names: Corsair, Privateer, Swashbuckler. Currently a rare variation of the Rogue, but gaining popularity thanks to memetic mutation. The archetype for pirate hasn't really yet set that hard in stone, but in general, a Pirate will use a combination of weaponry instead of specializing - usually being able to switch freely between pistols and swords. [B]The Scout:[/B] Other Names: The Operative. Another rare variation on the Rogue, the Scout combines high movement rate with superior sensory and information-gathering skills, and often emphasizes stealth as well. Not guaranteed to be as good at combat as other Rogues; may overlap with the Ranger archetype if they are. [u][B]The Cleric Classes:[/B][/u] A Cleric is usually The Medic — some variation on dedicated healers. Unlike Magician-classes, the Clerics usually draw their powers from either Faith, a god, or some variation of the two. Their magic generally requires them to stick to a certain doctrine to access it, but usually comes with less of a price or chance of backfiring like some Magician classes might experience. Clerics often focus on healing and party buffs, but sometimes they are offensively useful against "unholy" enemies such as demons and undead. Often draw their powers from Crystal Dragon Jesus and may be suspiciously Catholic for a fantasy setting. Cleric-type classes generally have the least amount of variation, simply because healing is so vital and important that distracting a healer generally isn't seen as a good idea. Variations include: [B]The Priest:[/B] Other Names: Healer, White Mage. A squishy dedicated healer with little abilities at offense aside from specific types of enemies, most commonly demonic entities and the undead. [B]The Battle Priest:[/B] A badass, tough warrior, carrying blessed weapons. This version of the Cleric can dish out melee damage and heal. They tend to be closer to Clerics than Paladins, who tend to be closer to Fighters. [B]The Witch Doctor:[/B] A version of the cleric flavored for a more shamanic, nature-worshiping culture as opposed to the generally Monotheistic religion most Cleric-using settings use. May be slightly more magically offensive and overlap with the Shaman (see above). [B]The Templar:[/B] Other Names: Inquisitor. Named after the Knights Templar, the Templar is more of an assassin mixed with a Cleric. The chief role in the story is generally to do the church's dirty work, ferreting out heretics and covering up the great conspiracy. In battle, they may be anything, but tend to be a jack of all trades, weaker than a Paladin, Cleric, or Rogue in their specialties, but able to handle all of their roles to one extent or another. [B]The Caster:[/B] In some settings, the Cleric will be combined with the Magician to create the Caster. The Caster isn't so much The Red Mage as they are the Squishy Wizard; the physically weak magic user. This character is usually female. Story-wise, they will be in the party because no-one else can use magic. This is more common in modern settings, but some medieval works will still use this class for the heroine. [u][B]The Ranger Classes:[/B][/u] Other Names: Hunter. Rangers are woodsman skilled at surviving in the wild. They may be lumped in with Fighters or Rogues (above) but more often than not are a separate tree of classes all their own. Archery is generally their favored skill, although most can fall back on swordplay if necessary. Rangers may also be skilled in some form of wilderness or nature magic. They may be very good at fighting a specific type of enemy, and often take on the role of The Hunter against such foes. [B]The Sniper Ranger:[/B] This version is totally reliant on archery, but usually does higher damage because of it. May have a variety of status-inflicting arrows to slow or otherwise annoy enemies. Keeps to the back of a battle. [B]The Bow and Blade Ranger:[/B] A version of the ranger that can handle bladed weapons as well, allowing them to defend themselves against approaching enemies or close in for the kill. The most likely Ranger to overlap with the Fighter archetype. The Beastmaster Ranger: This class specializes in either taking temporary or permanent control of wild animals, and then allowing their pet to rush to the front lines while they support with healing and long-range attacks. [B]The Dual Wielding Ranger:[/B] The Dual Wielding Ranger most famously represented by the famed Drow ranger Drizzt Do'Urden, who uses two melee weapons, though it does predate him by quite some time. Very common in Dungeons & Dragons-based material, but less so elsewhere. [B]The Trapper Ranger:[/B] The Trapper is a character who can lay down various traps in an area that the enemy can walk into, making them vulnerable to ambushes or follow-up attacks. [B]The Magical Ranger:[/B] A version of the ranger who can uses enchanted or Trick Arrow to take advantage of Elemental Rock-Paper-Scissors, or slow down and disable enemies with "net arrows" or "freezing arrows" and the like. [u][B]Rarer Class Archetypes:[/B][/u] The following character classes appear often but non consistently, depending on the type of world the author is attempting to create. In general, they are often seen as clashing with science fiction or with a European medieval setting in some way (but so do the Samurai and Ninja, above). [B]Magic Knight:[/B] Other Names: Spellblade, Hexblade, Eldritch Knight, Rune Knight, Red Mage. The Magic Knight is a hybrid Fighter/Magician. The key distinction between different versions of this class is how connected the Fighter and Mage parts are: there is a difference between using a sword and magic, and using your magic to improve your sword/fighting abilities. Usually, they tend to be worse at fighting than Fighters and magic than Mages, but that's the price of versatility. [B]The Bard:[/B] The Bard is a class specializing in music. Perhaps understandably, they're butt of a lot of jokes in fantasy settings, however, depending on the game, they may be useful. Bardic songs are generally useful for buffing allies, weakening enemies, status effects, and occasionally damage, and of all the classes, Bards are the most likely to be good at diplomacy with [NPCs]. Sometimes they act as the Jack of All Trades. [B]The Dancer:[/B] A rare variation of the Bard, who tend to get the same jokes made, but for dancing instead of music. They tend to do the same things as Bards, too, so perhaps they deserve it. A variant is The Whirling Dervish, who looks to the casual observer like an ordinary dancer but is actually a spinning buzz-saw of slice-and-dice death; she'll give new meaning to Aram Khachaturian's Sabre Dance and have way too much fun doing it. [B]The Monk:[/B] Other Names: Black Belt, Martial Artist, Mystic. The Monk is partway between the Fighter and the Rogue... kind of. They are usually bare-fisted warriors who either eschew weapons entirely or use only martial artsy weapons like nunchucks and staves. They are often Glass Cannons, or if the Knight is a Glass Cannon, they'll be Mighty Glaciers. They often have access to some sort of Ki Attacks and build up attacks. Self-sufficiency is what sets them apart from classes relying on fragile magics, higher powers or expensive items. [B]The Alchemist:[/B] Other Names: Chemist. An Alchemist combines items, magic or otherwise, to create potions or bombs to use in battle, often mixing them together during battle. Oddly enough, of all of the classes, they're the ones most likely to be good at throwing things, partly because bombs aren't going to deliver themselves to his enemies.[/hider] [hider=Races in Garrn:] (More updated bios coming soon! Unless I specifically say so, both genders are allowed to be played with each race, even dwarves.) [IMG]http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2010/264/4/5/fantasy_concept_human_warrior_by_bdpatton-d2z89d4.jpg[/IMG] • Humans - Most commonly found creatures. They dominate most of the Realm of Garrn. They are still young as a species in Garrn so they have much they can learn from the other races. They live primarily in small towns or kingdoms across the land, but they tend to stick to regions full of highlands, plains, and rivers. Some have even set up villages on beaches next to a port, or along the borders of forests or mountains. Humans are very well adapted to using magic, but no so much as the Two Elf Types or Draenei. Humans are also masters of alchemy and perfected the practice f magic and science. [IMG]http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/304/e/8/wood_elf_character_by_manweri-d6sgvzj.jpg[/IMG] • Elves - Immortal beings who have very strong connections to the natural world and the magic within it. They can harness magic, but prefer more natural and simplistic ways of living. Some prefer living in forests, while others prefer living with humans, Draenei, Fairies, and even Night Elves across the world. They're also not particularly fond of dwarves for reasons concerning their destructive antics towards mountains and past historical disputes. [IMG]http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs33/f/2008/310/2/4/Dwarf_by_jcjacobsson.jpg[/IMG] • Dwarves - Mountain folk. Dwarves are exceptionally skilled at smithing of any kind and have an extraordinary talent for holding their liquor. They are fierce warriors and fighters, relying on brute strength and the craft of their equipment to aid them in combat. Magic is very rare in dwarves, but they, like all races in the Realm of Garrn, are capable of using it. They dwell mostly in mountains or caves where precious metals can be found, but they also live with other races, working as blacksmiths. They also strongly dislike Elves, but love Night Elves. [IMG]http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/314/0/c/dnd_pinup__the_halfling_by_everwho-d4fsd9e.jpg[/IMG] • Halflings (also referred to as "Little Folk" or "Hobbits") - An extremely docile and peaceful race. Halflings are extremely light on their feet and make for great rouges/burgers/thieves, but also are very well versed in combat thanks to the dwarves. Most of them prefer to be left alone by the "Big World" as they call it and are quite content to just live our their lives without any adventures. They mostly live in pure Halfling towns in holes under the ground, but they are also seen living with humans, elves, dwarves and Draenei. They don't really trust Night Elves and Fairies are like massive, annoying bugs to them. [IMG]http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs16/f/2007/121/0/0/Fairy_by_Ironshod.jpg[/IMG] • Fairies - Small, flying mythical creatures who are strong with magic. Fairies tend to be docile and peaceful rather then charge into a fight, swords flailing. When the time for adventure comes, they wind up acting more like guides thanks to their extreme knowledge of the world around them. They are more well versed in the ways of nature then any of the other races and often harness the elemental powers for their own purposes. They can also use magic that allows them to grow from their average 11 inches tall to 5 feet 2 inches, just below most humans. When they grow, however, their wings remain normal sized and they cannot fly. Fairies are said to live primarily with the Elves, Night Elves, and Draenei, but some live alongside Humans and Dwarves in their massive forms. [IMG]http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2010/063/7/8/orc_babe_I_think_by_Nekurai.jpg[/IMG] • Orcs - Originally Elves who were corrupted by dark magic, Orcs have a history of being violent and aggressive beings. They often pillaged, burned, murdered and all out destroyed anything that came into their path. In the olden days, they, like Goblins, were minions of a darker magic and were set upon the Realm of Garrn with the intent to destroy the land. After the magic's source was destroyed, the Orcs snapped out of their trance and have been trying to fix their mistake ever since. Orcs are brutal warriors, much like Dwarves, but their massive size and body structure gives them an extra edge over their foes. Orcs tend to live in Mountains with the Dwarves or Swamps with the Night Elves, but they are more spread out across the lands and dwell with almost every species, dispite the lingering sense of distrust between them all. [IMG]http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2010/161/1/6/Goblin_by_kabarsa.jpg[/IMG] • Goblins - Crafty little devils, Goblins are almost as skilled with smithing as the Dwarves. Like Orcs, they were once controlled by dark forces to wreak havoc and destruction upon the Realm of Garrn, but snapped out of their trance once the spell was broken. Goblins mostly tend to dwell in Caves or Mountains, but not with the Dwarves. They, like Halflings, wish to let the world forget about their existence and live their lives undisturbed, but those who live with the other races often seek redemption. Goblins are better with magic then Dwarves, but come nowhere close to the powers of the two types of Elf and the Draenei. They are also skilled warriors like Halflings. Their small stature and quick movement allows them to have an edge over their larger opponents. [IMG]http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2013/237/9/e/night_elf_by_mrmilez-d6jmhly.jpg[/IMG] • Night Elves - Unlike their Elvish brothers, Night Elves have much more attachment to magic then they do the natural environment. They are great mages, wizards, prophets and spell casters. They absolutely love dwarves, unlike the Elves. They dwell mostly in villages over swamps or areas where the sun does not often shine, but some are known to live with other races in the plains or mountains. They also sometimes share swamps and bogs with the Orcs and Goblins, but they still look upon the two races with concern for treachery. [IMG]http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/087/6/b/wow__monara_by_shunkaku-d4u7825.png[/IMG] • Draenei - Tall, pale creatures with hoofed feet who's skin colours range from blue to pinkish-purple. They are mostly peaceful creatures and, much like Elves, have a love and respect for the natural world. They, alongside Night Elves, have stronger connections to magic and often become great wielders of it. They use magic to enchant their homes so that it may become more liveable. They dwell mostly with Elves, Halfling's and Night Elves, due to their distrust of Humans, Orcs and Goblins. [IMG]http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs11/i/2006/184/1/a/Dragon_boy_by_veroro.jpg[/IMG] • Draconians - Descendants of a mighty race. It has been said in legends and myths that Dragons were the mythical ancestors of Draconians, which would explain a great many things about the race. While they have lizard like characteristics and body parts, Draconians are, for the most part, without wings. It is said that only those who are gifted by the gods will receive wings strong enough to carry them across the land. They are exceptionally strong and are exceptionally skilled with magic. Depending on what particular element they are given by the Drake Goddess, will determine the colour of their scales and their type of magic breath. They have no preferences to what race they live with, but prefer Humans because they share many similarities. [IMG]http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs6/i/2005/083/c/a/Stone_Titan_by_EpicJoe.jpg[/IMG] A "Fungon" is a massive, hulking mythical being often referred to by humans as "Titans" or "Golems". Most of them stand at 12 feet tall, but some grow as large as 30 feet, their heads climbing high above the sky. The Fungon's who grow that large are often referred to as "Eldaar's of Ulagon". Ulagon, according to legend, is the very place where the Fungon race originated. While Fungon's are massive and hulking, they are quite skilled at blending into the environment. The reason behind their skill is the fact that as their lives go on, certain aspects of their home region becomes merged with their bodies (ex. If a Fungon is born near a volcano, its skin will blacken and magma will flow in the cracks of its body, whereas a Fungon born in the forest will develop trees and various plant life in their bodies which small creatures may choose to live in) Despite the various varieties of Fungon and the obvious differences between them, nearly every last one is respectful to the land they live in. Fungon's are said to be like Dryads, always watching out for their homeland and protecting it with every last bit of their power. The race has no real way of breeding and it is often glossed over in legends, but it has been claimed that two Fungon's who are life mates break various parts off from their body and mold them together to form an infant Fungon. The entire existence of the Fungon's is shrouded in mystery and legend, but so are many things in Garrn. Fungon's can live to be around 10,000 years old, but when it is time for them to leave the earth, they do not die. Instead, Fungon's simply lay down and allow themselves to become part of the earth which they came from, this ending their cycle of life. While they cannot be mortally wounded by mortal tools such as swords and arrows, Fungon's are exceptionally weak to magic and alchemy. Depending on the variety of Fungon, they are more vulnerable to different magic types (ex. Earthal or Glacial Fungon's > Fire Magic, Magma or Sandstone Fungon's > Water Magic, ect). They can still be harmed by non-magical items, but it would be like jabbing a Rhino with a pointy stick and hoping it would die: eventually you'll make it bleed, but it would probably trample you to death before you can reach that point. Since they are so massive in size, Fungon's theoretically have no need for weapons, but they can harness items such as trees, boulders, or even frigid ice drifts as weapons. Some have even created enormous and lethal blades, shields, and battle axes from rock and precious metals back when Mount Pyromelia was a kworking forge. Despite supposedly being the longest existing creatures in Garrn alongside the Elves, Fungon's are very rare to come by in the modern world. The chances of meeting a Fungon who hasn't either retreated into the Mountains of Torrunff or devolved back into the earth are 1:100,000,000. Most people seem to forget that Fungon's even existed and tend to ignore the legends, which themselves had been demoted to bedtime stories for children. ~~ Since Fungon's are so rare and are massive, I'll be allowing a maximum of 3 playable ones. There will be a few important NPC Fungon's, as well as the introduction of many more during an important future event, but for now they are still hidden from the world. ~~ (Examples of three different types of Fungon. From left to right: Magma, Earthal, Glacial) [img]http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/265/d/d/fire_ice_and_earth_golem_concept_by_rofelrolf-d6ncnpa.jpg[/img] More races to come! That's just a snippet of the ones we can play as ^^. Tell me if I missed any which you would like to play and I'll write up a quick little thing. These descriptions will also be expanded upon when I get the time to do so.[/hider] [hider=Character Sheet][B]Reveal yer'self, hero![/B] (Image of Character): [B]What be yer name, Stranger?[/B] (Name): [B]Be you a lad or a lass?[/B] (Gender): [B]What be yer lineage?[/B] (Race): (If you make one up or have one that wasn't covered in the list, then PM me and we'll talk about it) [B]What be yer area of expertise?[/B] (Class): (What is their position in the group? Are they a Fighter, a Bard, a Warrior, a Rogue, ect. Try to keep it varied, so at least one of each class before we get too far into things. You're allowed a Primary Class and a Secondary Class) [B]Axe or Sword?[/B] (Preferred Weapon[s]): (if any. Try to keep it basic stuff, we'll get upgrades as the RP goes on). [B]Adventurer's Kit Contents[/B] (Starting Inventory): (dot jots will do just fine. Max of 6 items, but you can't start with any legendary items or magic artifacts.) [B]What be yer talents?[/B] (Abilities/Skills): (if any. Maximum of 6. Additional ones must be approved by a GM) [B]Know ye any spells?[/B] (Magic): (if any. You're allowed a maximum of two types: a Primary type and a Secondary type. Any more must be approved by the GM) [B]Tell me yer tale, an' I'll listen[/B] (Background):[/B] (At least 2 paragraphs, but more is always better ^^) [B]Is there more to yer tale?[/B] (Other): (Include any additional information you want here. Perhaps they're writing a book, or the name of any pets they may have back home/with them on the adventure)[/hider] There we are ^^