I really didn't mean to turn him into such a bastard, ah well. [hider=Ashkante Nakesha] Name: Ashkante Nakesha House Name: House Nakesha House Sigil: [img]http://i.imgur.com/S0bZvYn.png?1[/img] Family Members: In direct family none. Stronghold: [img]http://aahabershaw.files.wordpress.com/2014/04/403752_1282472189_large.jpg[/img] Standing forces: Due House Nakesha's great success in the war and now his standing forces are quite large. 800 guardsman, 100 horsemen, 25 knights, 10 mages. Age: 45 Appearance:[img]http://www.jasonchanart.com/gallery/2008/work/DAO_humannoble.jpg[/img] Homeland: Ferros Race: Mage Spells: Airmancy Pyromancy Constructs Bio: Ashkante was born 45 years ago to one of the great houses of Ferros. House Nakesha is an ancient house whose power has waxed and waned with the times, when Ashkante was born its power was waning. From his first breath he had immense and constant pressure exerted upon him to succeed, to make the house great again and to regain the lost honour of his house. Ashkante turned out to have an incredibly sharp mind one that quickly got him into trouble around the ageing castle. Most of the servants and soldiers had long since been dismissed and there was little to stop him wandering the entirety of the massive castle. He was curious and it was that which first got him into trouble. His father, Masahn Nakesha, raised him and trained him from birth to be the greatest warrior he could ever produce. Ashkante, whilst talented in the realm of swordplay had little interest in it and soon grew bored with it. He began exploring the ancient library more and more until he discovered a secret chamber hidden within filled with books of magic at the age of 10. He became fascinated with it. He read every book he could get his hands on and soon began trying to practice it himself. His father caught him soon after the first attempt and it ended poorly for Ashkante. His father dragged him out into the courtyard and ordered him to use his magic to defend himself. Ashkante of course had no idea how to do so and frantically began trying everything he could to defend himself against his enraged father, all for naught. His father beat him within an inch of his life and stated that if he wished to learn magic he was no son of his and threw him out of the front door of the castle at the age of 11. It was beyond fortunate for Ashkante that a mage skilled in restos was travelling by and healed him before telling him about the of the tower of the magi. Ashkante was thrilled and begged the mage to take him. The mage eventually agreed and together they travelled to the tower. On the way to the tower a plan had begun to formulate in Ashkante's head, a plan for revenge, for control and above all else power. He would show his father what true glory was, he would show his father what true power was and he would make sure he was never as weak as he was when his father beat him again. He threw himself into his training and grew in power quickly. He shunned the schools of magic which would not gain, what he saw, as true power. His two chosen schools were that of pyromancy and airomancy as he saw the greatest combat potential in the two of them. He had no desire to learn any of Mystos and so decided not to pledge his allegiance to the tower as it would also hinder his efforts in gaining revenge on his father. The five years that had passed had not dulled his desire for revenge in the slightest, if anything they only grew. The person who had ended up bring him was a veteran mage and Ashkante used that to his advantage ruthlessly. He convinced his instructors to let him stay an extra two years to partially learn the ways of the guardian. Although he was never a masterful swordsman he became quite skilled at it. Finally at the age of 18 left the tower to fulfil the final part of his revenge and orchestrate his ascent to his fathers position. For five long years he practiced his arts raising them to the greatest heights he could before returning to the castle at last. The castle was even more run down than it had been when he left and now for the first time he could realize why. His father was incompetent and so caught up in reliving the glories of the past he could not focus on improving the future. Using his previous explorations of the castle to his advantage Ashkante snuck inside the castle and opened the doors letting a horde of bandits enter. They ran rampant through the castle slaughtering all in their way until finally reaching his father's room that was when Ashkante struck. He burst into the room in a storm of fire and magic killing all the bandits in the room before picking up his father's fallen sword and killing the bandit leader with it. His father was thrilled, his wife had died years ago and there had been no other heirs, he had feared that this would have been the end of the family. His father welcomed his heir back with open arms and trained him to succeed him as head of the family. Ashkante simply smiled. Ashkante excelled in his fathers lessons and quickly surpassed his father in most respects. On the final day of his training Masahn took his son to the highest tower and told his son that he was proud of him, he loved him and had always regretted what he had done. He had never meant to leave his son out of the castle and he had sent men to search for him mere minutes after the mage had taken him to be healed. Ashkante heard all this and smiled at his father one last time. Before reaching out to hug his father and pushing him of the edge, the last words he said to his father was “I summoned the demon and all of this was for this one moment of joy.” His father's expression of shock, betrayal, anger and resignation would stay with him forever, and he wouldn't have it any other way. Ashkante took over his fathers position and began to re-establish his house as one of the greats. Using the contacts he gained in the tower and over the years to slowly build up his power base. His lucky break came when at the age of 27 the war started. Stating he wished to regain his families lost honor and to end the threat of this evil forever he took his single battalion of men and joined the war. He quickly made a name for himself with his unique combination of air and fire magic to cause massive and wide scale destruction against the undead. His house was rising in power, but he wanted more power and more prestige and so he slipped the battle plans to a barbarian scout using a scout from another house as a scapegoat. The battle that followed was almost a complete diaster if it hadn't been for Ashkante's timely interference and he saved the lives of thousands of soldiers and more importantly many highly ranked nobles. The war came to an end but Ashkante's ambitions did not and so for the past sixteen years he has ruthlessly increased the power of his house until it was ranked as one of the most powerful houses in the country again. [/hider] Edit: Aaaaand no longer knows demonology