[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/faiMWmi.png[/img][/center] How Leon had managed to space out for several long minutes was a mystery to him. He’d missed the majority of the fight, apart from keeping the disgusting slimes away from his face. As he’d been saved by Hakuren – like he’d ever admit it – by being raised on an ice pillar, drenching in goo, Leon was just a hair’s breadth away from having a full meltdown. Instead, the pillar took the initiative to have a meltdown, a literal one, and Leon found himself high in the air with nothing underneath him. Thinking quickly, he called forth on the amulet around his neck and allowed a small, barely significant burst of wind slow his descent. By the time he hit the ground, limbs screaming in pain, Leon was exhausted. The slimes had decided to go for his face, sadly, leaping at his fact with gusto, forcing him to swat them away with a lot of effort. The crown on his head was undamaged, thankfully, and mostly free of goo. However, the slimes seemed to have had taken a liking to him, as they swarmed around him, clinging to his limbs and torso, while another one journeyed to his head via the other slimes. But Leon refused to be on the sidelines again, nor did he appreciate being dinner. A distant roar signaled that the mother slime was either in deep, deep trouble or dead. Leon desperately hoped for the latter, because he didn’t appreciate the slime clinging to the back of his head. He didn’t know how, but the little bugger was clinging to his scalp with all its might. “Goddamn it, get off me!” Then he noticed something strange. The liquid in his amulet had risen all the way back to 3/4ths, much to his surprise. How had that happened? As far as he knew, he didn’t have the ability to make the liquid rise. By now, he was utterly swamped in slimes. He was aware of the group somewhere near him, as he could hear familiar and unfamiliar voices, though they were muffled somewhat by the slime that was deadset on making its home in Leon’s ear. By now, Leon was viciously swearing and wrestling with the slimes, not bothering to compose himself or mind his language. What good would it be, being the pleasant gentleman that he was, when he became a walking residence for the slimes? Frustration and rage, mostly at the ruined state of his clothes, fuelled Leon into releasing a bellow of anger just as the air around him picked up. Within seconds, the light breeze had formed into a miniature gale, a much larger one than the one he’d summoned at the palace. There seemed to be highly condensed air around him, slicing the slimes cleanly in two and they fell off, though still obscured by the whitish state of the storm. Slime after slime fell off of him, and the surrounding ones fled, the ones unlucky enough to get caught within the hurricane being reduced to goo. Fifteen seconds later, Leon was slime-free. But fifteen seconds later he was also completely out of energy again, the liquid in his amulet just barely there. Peering in, Leon could see a tiny speck of liquid at the bottom, the only thing that kept him even mildly unconscious at this point. But he had to know who had donated so much energy to him, potentially saving his life, his ear and his scalp. The voices that he’d heard weren’t only of those of his companions. Apart from Hakuren locking lips with Jasper, there were two newcomers and while they seemed completely human, Leon wasn’t so sure. He hadn’t heard their introductions, and only watched as Zephy barked at them to get in line. Leon tiredly stepped forward, too exhausted to argue with the fiery guide. As they arrived in Sol, Leon leaned in the nearest person to him, who as he recalled was named Riley. The pink-haired woman – or was she? Leon didn’t even know anymore – wasn’t someone he would deliberately keep away from, as she didn’t seem too unapproachable. In fact, it was the complete opposite, nearly compelling him to talk. “Hey, Riley? Who gave us the extra energy?”