[quote=Amaroq] While I like the character there are two main problems. first someone with that kind of power, wouldn't be able to be brought into the rp until way later, like near the end of the story. This rp is suppose to be about growth, characters who aren't warriors, fighters, who aren't experianced at this stuff that have to grow to overcome their challanages Second being, A dragon like that would be on Elderic's radar in seconds. He's a mage that has conquered the underworld and death itself, the only reason Taraah isn't a concern to him is beacuse she is young without her full power. [/quote] I already know about the "being too op to be in the rp" problem, but i wanted to play if possible, someone with a little more...authority? I mean this RP mostly consists of simple people right now so i though a figure of higher standing or so to say would be a nice change. About the Elderic problem, i think that every mage that becomes well versed in all aspects of the arcane arts could be able to overcome death e.g. become a lich (remembers ruri's story). Also, having a more powerful character will IMO give the story a little diversity. Well, i could always make a new one and keep this one for later but i feel the story needs someone who could stand up to Elderic early in the story, while the other characters are developing. EDIT: [url=https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0ByMJQ7m98U24M0JsTjMxY05Ndmc&usp=sharing] Here is the Google.doc archive, if you want to read through them and get an idea of the latter part of the old rp, feel free...[/url] EDIT2: [b]changed the indestructible by human standards thingy, what about now?[/b]