George watched her for a moment before attempting to heave his trunk onto the overhead racking. It was certainly heavy. He struggled for a moment, and managed, eventually, to get the thing tucked away safely. Why his brother hadn't bothered to teach him anything, he'd never know. Their mum had always said Hogwarts would be the best years of his life, learning before would ruin the experience. He dropped from the seat he was stood on and rubbed the now tender part of his shoulder he'd used to push the trunk into the storage. Eyes turned down to look at both the girl and her owl. Part of him wished he'd bought a pet, something to keep him company. After all, he'd probably be in the same house as his own dad. He wouldn't even think what would happen if he was. "George Nott." He commented, sitting himself opposite her. Her excitement as obvious but it was normal. He suspected anyway. He suspected his excitement would arise when they saw the castle. Then panic and fear then excitement. "First year." He added quietly. Maybe he did have too many guards up. After all, the student he shared a compartment with, well, she was bubbly and happy to chat. He on the other hand, would have been happy to sleep or hide himself away. Looking back up to her, after his moment at watching the last of the station disappear into the steam, he replied with an answer he wasn't completely sure about. "About six hours, I think. My brother says the feasts at eight and the Sorting Cerimony is at seven. I assume well arrive a while before then." Morbid curiosity was getting the better of him. He knew making friends early would help. Yet he had no way to break the ice. He slid off his seat and stood back on the seat again. Diving a small hand into his trunk he retrieved a box of sweets and a pack of playing cards. He returned to his seat and opened the sweets. "Here." He offered her one with a smile and waited. "Have you ever had one before? They're fun, but scary. In the last box I had, I swear there were at least three vomit flavours and a seaweed flavour." He placed the box down on the tiny table they shared and took one for himself. His face was hesitant at first until he seemed almost relaxed. "Toothpaste." He smiled. Next he drew up the cards. The box was a vivid red, two giant letters on the front- WW. "Exploding Snap?" He offered, opening the box a little.