To say that Gaius was intimidated by the crowd surrounding him was an understatement. He knew that at any given moment, any one of these people had the ability to over power, and rip Gaius' throat out. The thought made him shudder, propelling him to bring a small hand gun, tucked away into the back of his pants and hidden further by his jacket. The gun was a small model, it had to be for him to use it, and even so it felt unnaturally large against the small of his back. He wasn't a particularly good shot, but knowing that he had some way to defend himself made Gaius feel safer. He had only been embraced some ten odd years ago after all, and yet here he was, in front of an Camarillan appointed prince in the body of a ten year old. Gaius had no doubt that he appeared out of place, and he himself agreed with that observation. He had not intended to show up initially, and was only convinced to by his mentor, who himself was absent. Gaius was told that this was a chance to make a name for himself, and that chances like that don't come by very often for kindred in his situation. Knowing this to be true, he begrudgingly made his way towards the Elysium. He wore clothes small enough to fit a ten year old: small tan pants, a plain red shirt, and a black jacket. It was the best he could do to not look like he had just stepped out from a play date. The night was dark, and Gaius disliked being out by himself. It was too easy for him to be taken down by whatever decided that he was it's prey. After the prince had finished speaking, and Gaius had rolled his eyes at the mans quip on his presence, he watched as others began to do as Dominic had asked. Though he had read about the clans, Gaius only had any contact with other Assimites, so Gaius felt a tad excited to observe how the others acted. The first one to speak was a Malkavian woman who had introduced herself as Alodia. Gaius had read that the Malkovian were for the most part, well, insane. The woman confirmed this. Gaius felt uneasy watching her move and, though he would not admit it, frightened. Next he watched a fellow Assimite introduce himself as Reza. The man was clearly from the middle east, and didn't seem to have any disturbing 'quirks'. Not any visible ones, at least. Gaius felt his stomach churn a bit before he himself stood and spoke up out of impulse. "My name is Gaius, and I too am an Assimite. My purpose-" Gaius paused. He truly was not sure what he was doing here. He looked around at the crowd, now staring at him before continuing. "My purpose is to become a part of something larger than myself." [i]That shouldn't be too hard.[/i] Gaius mused to himself. [i]Most things are larger than me.[/i] Gaius sat back down and slunk into his seat. The high pitched tone of his voice was irritating even to him. He felt guilty being there, like an annoying child pestering his parents for attention.