[img]http://i.imgur.com/weQcz7P.png[/img] [I]Slice![/I] [I]Fwoosh![/I] Fire and ice and lightning hailed down on the mother of all slimes. It was like those boss battles in video games. Them against it. [I]"Let's heat things up!"[/I] Ace definitely liked Riley. She was fun! With her fire magic and Ace's for sword, they were a force to be reckoned with. And it showed in their reckless fighting style. Every now and then, I've would rain down and Ace would turn and give a playful thank you salute to Haku before returning to battle. The mention of being speedy immediately had Ace running around to dodge attacks. Of course, she wasn't as fast as Riley, bit that wad probably because she was slightly more top heavy. Would she notice? Not really. Ace wasn't even aware of everyone's (or mostly everyone's) inner thoughts on her chest. Thanks to final blows, the slime queen had finally been defeated and for comical effect,  Ace yelled out, "K.O.!" With a small laugh, she turned to the two guides that jag devised to help them. A woman- (hey look, another redhead!) And a guy. Just some guy too. Later on, well, moments later, she son found out that they were married and fighters. "What a cool relationship." She listened to the rest of the introduction and watched the woman walk off. "Fiesty is she." She said, mentioning her attitude. Soon enough, they were being herded to Sol. The normal two who she would've normally went over to, to check if they needed help were fine, and everyone else besides Vinvin was fine as well. So, Ace made her way to the front of the herd and followed the guides to Sol. "Off we go!" "Bye Vinvin! Have fun in the castle!" Ace waved as he was swept away with a sprained ankle. It was too bad too... He seemed like he'd be a fun addition to the dragon hunt. Looking around the castle, Ace commented (as rude as it could've been, she didn't notice.) "I like Queeny's castle more. Heh, it's a little dull in here." Afterward, she continued scoping the place, waiting for their next task. "Do we get to see the dragons now?" By then, standing in the castle, Ace was standing off to the side and leaning against a wall. There wasn't much else for her to say to anyone or until this prince spoke up, -and there were times when Ace could be quiet. Quiet and listen was probably pushing it though. But the busty redhead wad spontaneous, so who knew what she'd do next. And it appeared everyone had a little spontaneity in them. She laughed lightly remembering when she caught a glimpse of Jasper's second kiss. And with a different guy. Way to go Jasper.