[CENTER][B](Collab between Kid Lantern & SirenSong)[/B][/CENTER] [center][b]Two Days Ago...[/b][/center] At the Justice League's Watchtower orbitting the planet, an all too familiar face teleported into the HQ of the world's greatest heroes. An older Dinah Queen, former wife of the deceased Green Arrow, stepped out of the teleporter deck meeting with the now cape-less Superman. "It's good to see you again, Canary..." Superman began to say before the blonde who'd developed some gray steaks in her hair cut to the chase. "Let's get to the reason you asked me here, Clark. I already told you, I'm not cut out for the League. My body isn't what it used to be in the field and after what happened to Ollie..." Dinah said trying to hold in her emotions, "Besides, Catwoman talked me into helping a young girl I've got to meet for an appointment back in Gotham. I hear Batman's latest two proteges joined some sort of junior League..?" the older heroine began to ask before noticing the look on Superman's face and knowing exactly where he was going with this... [center][b]Present Day...[/b][/center] Black Canary arrived at the HQ. Trailing behind her was a young lady with long brown hair and brown skin, her pupil and sponsored heroine. "Make yourself at home, Naomi," said Canary, "I've got a few things to attend to." With that, Canary stopped to have a word with Flash, pointing Naomi in the direction of her sleeping quarters. Naomi waved the graying Dinah off as she parted ways with her mentor and sponsor, heading off to her own personal quarters. She had a small slip of paper in hand with her room number on it. When she came to a long corridor, she made her way down to the very end of the hall. "This is it, last room on the right," she remarked, "Guess this is home." She reached down into her pocket and retrieved a keycard. Swiping it across the electrical reader just above the door's handle, Naomi heard the door unlock. Once inside of the room, Naomi set her eyes on just what she had to look forward to during her stay at the League's headquarters. She scanned the room from left-to-right, top-to-bottom. It wasn't anything like she'd expected. This looked like something out of a teenager's worst nightmare. It was horribly bland and generic. The walls were made of steel, the floors of concrete, there was a single twin-sized bed off in the corner adorned with tacky white sheets and a cheap wool blanket. "Kill me now," she'd joke to herself, trying to find some humor in all of this. Naomi dropped her duffel bag onto the concrete floor, unzipping it as she began to unpack. To her surprise, one little piece of luggage had decided to unpack itself. Naomi's pet kitten, Luna, had somehow managed to stow itself away unnoticed. "Well, aren't you the sneaky ball of fur," Naomi would say in the midst of laughing, "I thought I told you to stay in Gotham with Selina?" As if nothing had been said at all, the feline jumped onto the twin-sized mattress, stretched its paws out after a long and couped up trip, and made itself at home. After successfully unpacking, Naomi turned to leave, but then something caught her ear, some sort of racket coming from inside of the building. It was a sound all too familiar, the muffled sound of battle. The nineteen year-old circled the room, finding a vent in its corner. She dropped to her knees and pressed her ear against it. Wherever the noise was from from, it was from down below, and close enough for her to hear through the ventilation system. Maybe a floor or so down. "Sounds like a party," Naomi commented with a grin about her face. "You think we should go and crash it, Luna?" She looked to her pet cat, who let off a single 'meow' before rolling off on its side and facing the wall, falling asleep. Naomi quirked a single brow and then continued on. "Right, then. Maybe I'll just go and see the action for myself."