(OC) Name: Schwarze Feuer Gender: Male Age: 38 Height: 6'3 Weight: 225 Rank/Title: Mercenary Special: Due to years of service across various battlefield Feuer possesses an instinct for battle bordering on precognition. His cybernetic eyes and brain allow him to analyze his surroundings giving him up to date information on what he's surveying and allows him to react to the situation accordingly Bio: A child soldier raised to fight for his planet Elesium, Feuer learned from a young age the ins and outs of combat. In an effort to boost the capabilities of their soldiers Elesium started implanting them with cyber brains and eyes linked to a data hub owned by the Galactic Federation. Ultimately it proved useless as the other planets decided to crush Elesium with their combined might. Even though the quality of Elesium's soldiers were greater they proved no match for the overwhelming forces and in the end their planet was destroyed. Only a few people who recognized their impending doom were able to escape the destruction of their planet and leave the solar system.Feuer escaped on a GF supply ship that brought ammunition and various products to the small solar system. After laying low for a few years Feuer returned to the battlefield as a mercenary and earning himself a reputation as a ruthless killer with his mech "Apokalypse". Hearing about the current conflict going on in the universe,Feuer sets out to find more information on what's happening and hopefully make some extra money [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/TALb0rS.png[/IMG] Name: Apokalypse Type: Real Robot Dimensions: 25 meters Weight: 60 tons Strength: 25 (20*) Armor: 20 (10*) Firepower: 50 (65*) Performance: 50 (60*) Mobility:60 (75*) Energy Output: 35 (10*) Sensors: 60 overdrive: Cast off * Description: Apokalypse is mech designed for Feuer for combat in all kinds of environments in order to accommodate Feuer as the situation calls for it. However, it isn't suited for sustained punishment and it's low operating time of only a few hours means operations with it must be carried out swiftly or else it over heats and needs to charge. Weapons: - Beam dagger located on the outside of its left arm - 10 Throwing knives located in a compartment on the inside of its left arm - A blade attached to it's right arm which vibrates at high speeds for extra cutting power - A beam Rifle with variable output that can be modified into a sniper rifle attached to it's back - Twin Vulcan head cannons - 5 E-packs - Secret weapon Abilities: - Optical camouflage - Special coating that allows it to deflect beam/energy based weaponry in small amounts - Synch which allows Feuer to connect directly with Apokalypse with his brain allowing him to control it with his mind increasing it's performance.However this puts a strain on Feuer so he can only use it a few times a day - Overdrive: Cast off;: Casting aside some of it's armor and pushing it's power to the max while Feuer is synched, Apokalypse gains a temporary boost in it's stats at then cost of it's remaining operating time Second Mech Name: Inno Di Morte Type: Super Robot Dimensions: 70 meters Weight: 300 tons Strength: 50 Armor: 30 Firepower: 65 Performance: 50 Mobility:30 Energy Output: 55 Sensors: 20 Description: Inno Di Morte (Hymn of Death) was a mech designed by the Black Throat's race named so because of it's unbridled power and the fact that it takes the lives of loved ones to reach it's full potential. It is made out of an unidentifiable material that is extremely durable but lightweight, able to withstand extreme temperatures and is equipped with powerful thrusters allowing the giant mech to move at extremely high speeds.The mech is powered by an unknown energy produced in it's drive that becomes stronger when souls are sacrificed to it.and replenishes itself over time. Feuer can manipulate the energy in the drive for various effects, however at he moment, Feuer only knows how to manipulate temeprature Weapons: - A Bastard sword nearly the same length as the mech attached to it's back. The sword is made from the same material the mech is and can heat up to temperatures of 4000c for a moment by gripping the handle with enough force - Shoulder Cannons capable of firing as automatic fire or continuous beams - A Particle Beam capable of firing from it's chest - Grappling hook which it can use to pull in far away targets - Capable of launching it's fists at high speed - A badass motherfucking cape for style Abilities: - Coating that allows it to ignore un-sustained fire from beam and archaic weapons - Capable of heating the area around it to extremely high temperatures high enough to melt enemies or low enough to freeze them - Capable of creating temperature clones of varying mass through extreme heat or cold - Able to create ice daggers that can be thrown in order to freeze targets - Able create explosions in its vicinity by manipulating the energy from it's drive