[center][youtube]rpcWAEPwXq8[/youtube][/center] "Out of nowhere, a giant dragon appeared. He tore down the north wall, Zephy! Tore it down like it was made of cheese." The prince stated, eyes wide and frantic. He smelled like soot and a the tip of his cape had been burned off. He had a ridiculous looking helmet on his head, and held his rapier tight. "I wanted to help the guards, but they sent me back here. The fight's not here though, it's out there and I really, really want to help them. I can't protect anyone, not if I'm here." The prince sulked, both eyes focused on the carpeted floor. One of the guards looked at the royal messenger, she was the only one who could reason with prince Tobias when he got like this. He cleared his throat, "king Thaddeus wouldn't be happy if he knew we were sending you out on the front lines. With all due respect, you aren't a soldier prince, and you'll be of no use to your people if you're dead." He frowned and hoped that Zephy would back him up. "Well," Tobias looked ready to beg. "It's my country too! And, I...I won't just sit here and hear about people dying!" Before the prince could say any more, Victoria and Avian entered with a group of humans. The guard by the door straightened up and placed his fist to his chest in a gesture of respect. "Royal Dragoons," he nodded at the couple and fell silent. Tobias stared at the humans...so this was reinforcement. He huffed, clearly stressed because of everything that was happening. "Avian, Victoria, Zephy, you all have my sincerest gratitude." He looked at the humans and forced a smile. "Thank you for coming to our aid. Please send the queen my thanks." Tobias inched towards one of the tables and pulled out map. "I wish I could give you some cakes and drinks, but there won't be any time." He pointed at the tallest mountain and waited for a few moments, so the humans could get a good look at it. "The dragon lives there," Avian and Victoria asked if they could excuse themselves and the prince gave them an apologetic look. "I'm really, really, sorry but you'll be going with them. I-I really don't want any more casualties." He didn't want the humans to get hurt, they didn't look very experienced and if anyone could watch their backs it'd be Avian and Victoria. They were his father's best and most trusted soldiers. "Dad trusts you a lot," he whispered, "and I do too." The prince returned to the map. The humans would be sent to the mountain. There they would try to deal with the dragon. It was the opposite of what the living list wanted. In order to go home they didn't need the anguished roar of a dying dragon--they needed its laughter. "Wait," Harper looked thoughtful. "There must be a mistake, we're supposed to search for a dragon's laugh." Riley nodded and backed the nervous looking boy up. "I'm sure stabbing the dragon won't make it laugh. Unless it's a masochist of something." She shrugged before narrowing her eyes at both the messenger and the prince. Tobias looked baffled but one of the guards spoke for him. "Kill it, befriend it, it doesn't matter to us. Just do whatever the hell is needed to get them off our backs. They used to be peaceful, just like pet dogs..." his eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "We don't know what's wrong, but if you can find out without violence then all the better. Your supplies are in that chest. Take whatever weapons and armor you need then head to the stables, you'll be meeting familiar faces." The prince nodded wearily. "After all this is over, I'll make sure to treat you all to Sol's renowned strawberry cake. Thank you." [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/tKFjLAr.png[/img][/center] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/ytkwQgc.png[/img][/center] After they had prepared for their mission, they were ushered to the stable by an weary guard. "The dragon who lives on that hill is known for bein' unpredictable. You young ones better watch yourselves...I can't believe we're trusting you lot with Sol's safety." He let out a tired laugh. "You must all be very special." He gave Avian and Victoria a salute as they passed by. Harper trailed behind them looking very nervous in his [url=http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120809064729/swordartonline/images/2/22/Kirito_Avatar_ACD_1.png]new attire[/url]. Gosh darn it, he wasn't some dragon slayer, none of them were. This quest to finish the living list, it would be the death of them all! He jogged after the others, the sword strapped to his back felt weighty. This wasn't just a game, it was the real deal and it frightened him. Riley, unlike Harper walked ahead of the group, chatting happily with Ace as they neared the stable. "You're pretty amazing with your blade, Ace" she was grinning from ear to ear. The girl was pretty happy with her [url=http://img.qj.net/uploads/articles_module/58032/fe1_qjgenth.jpg]new outfit[/url], they all looked very cool. " And you were both awesome as well, Jack Frost and Inadi." She beamed at both boys. "We owned that sucker! Too bad it injured Vinvin though." "It's good to see you again." Serenade was standing by the stable's doors, a few of the other guides not too far away. Seeing Serenade and the other guides made Harper feel so relieved. If there was anyone they could count on, it would be the guides. They had assisted the humans since they got off the train after all. "It's really good to see you too, I'm glad you're all doing well." Harper greeted. "Well, I'll be sending you off now...I need to return to my post ASAP." He opened the stable doors and out walked their mounts. There were enough for all of them. Riley immediately hopped onto one of them while Harper approached hesitantly. [center][img]https://24.media.tumblr.com/ef02a3efe6eac258e033e39886f03bcd/tumblr_n1o1gnKYs71tsjlf1o1_500.jpg[/img][/center]