Rider was about to frown, but thankfully Victoria was courtier enough to say something that could prevent Tobias from taking offense from her husband’s surly expression. “If the crown prince commands it, so shall it be,” She nodded and straightened her spine; the man beside her took the cure and lifted his face, the two of them performing the same crisp salute in response to their new given orders. Asides from that, the prince’s assurance that they were both trusted by the royal family served to strengthen their resolve. “Your Highness, did you try to join the front lines again? You could’ve gotten killed! Look at you!” Avian fussed over the prince once the humans were (sort of) out of earshot. “Singed and bruised. Why, if your father sees you like this, he’d-“ The young man threw his hands up in a gesture of surrender then shook his head. Really, the prince needed a stronger watch, for his own safety. “Anyway, wish us luck, Your Highness,” His lady partner was already walking towards the door. She threw a wink over her shoulder then waggled her fingers at the prince as a goodbye gesture before completely disappearing from sight. [center][img= http://i.imgur.com/WlkFdCg.png][/center] Songbird had finished off the tea Brandy gave him and was feeling much better. Well, not really. His nap, the one where he had leaned against the black bunny (unknowingly, pfft), was interrupted when a soldier burst in the medic camp and announced that the humans had arrived. “What do you want us to do, give them all a manicure?” He snapped at the retreating figure before being calmed down by both Brandy and Serenade. Newly-awakened Songbird was almost always in Thugbird mode. In any case, he went to the castle with Serenade and Dissonance to see the humans off, although he wasn’t going with them, especially since he saw who were accompanying the group. Royal Dragoons, by the look of their weapons and mounts. “Goodbye and good luck,” He waved at the humans, sinking back against the wall. Half a day of nurturing (dying) Nobodies had left the item hunter pale with dark bruise-like shadows under his eyes, plus Songbird looked like he could deal with a good week of sleep. [b]Back to Victoria and Avian.[/b] The humans rode on their chicken mounts, but Victoria and Avian were both members of the elite force and had their own special companions. The woman smiled and knelt down in front of a[url= http://www.absolutearts.com/portfolio3/g/gillbustamante/white_tiger_with_blue_eyes-1362994031l.jpg] white tiger with the most innocent blue eyes ever[/url], cooing, “Hello, Illumine. Have you missed me? Oh you big sweetheart you” before giving the huge cat a hug. The creature responded with a purr before snuggling against Victoria. It didn’t seem like a predator, really. More like a giant house cat. Illumine the white tiger, after displaying admirable camaraderie with the ‘chocobos’, had tried to lick Jasper and Lesley, although he was shied away by a guard who thought the two humans might die of panic by being approached by a tiger. He had busied himself with trying to play with Inadi instead (a.k.a hello-human-want-to-rub-my-belly play), although that effort was halted when Victoria called him. On the other hand, Avian’s mount was a[url= http://th07.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/f/2011/291/6/f/6f8d464383e7794bcd3ea498392be17d-d4d9ugh.jpg] massive ebony wolf[/url]. “Hello, Ellianne,” The soldier greeted the creature politely. She seemed to have the same disposition as her master; whereas Illumine (or Lulu for short) had tried to play with the humans like an overgrown baby, the wolf sat back on her haunches and observed them all with wise teal eyes. “Anyone need help with their mounts?” Avian called out.