Hector was nowhere to be seen in his class room nor the Teacher Lounge, and to be honest... he wasn't even on the shcool grounds. Hector was driving like a mad man through town tring to get to the Gateway that linked the city to the academy. "Blast that stupid bookstore owner, who does she think she is trying to tell me I ahve my history of magic wrong!" He turned into a parking garage, tiers pealing. "All I was doing was returning the dumb book 'cause I didn't agree with it's content. " talking to himself was a habit he had whenever he was angry and late. He finally found a spot and took the elevator nack to ground level where he sprinted to the Gateway. That's what he loked to call it, anyway, he thought that it sounded a lot mor professional rather than what most non-attendees call it. After reaching the Gateway he had to show his teacher ID to get ahead of the tour group. Looking at the small group he saw a few younger kids that he hoped one day would be in his class. "Finally." He sighed after getting through. He began to walk briskly, but calm, to his classroom where he could start his day over woth an infinity better outcome than at the bookstore.