Magnus Boyle Alias - 'Fenrir' Age- 18 Sponsor - Hawkman Personality - Aggressive and confrontational yet extremely loyal Powers - Super Strength; Super speed;Enhanced durability and cellular regeneration;Super senses; Weaknesses - Alpha Male Mentality, Arrogant, His mind is almost constantly fractured in a struggle between Man and Beast; Lack of fine digit control and inability to process complex tasks, such as driving a car or typing at a keyboard. Appearance - Magnus is a 6'7" tall bipedal wolf-man. His head is large and lupine with bright, blue eyes and massive canine jaws ending in rows of sharp teeth. His shoulders are muscular but not too heavy for his frame, arms long and powerful. His legs are digitigrade and both fingers and toes have long, tough talons capable of shredding through armour plating. He also has a tufty tail, one that is constantly getting in his way, however it also helps him keep his balance. Pardoning the pun he is wolf lean without a shred of fat on his body. His entire form is covered in thick, coarse black hair. His one piece of clothing is a concession that shows he has not yet completely abandoned his humanity or his modesty, a pair of tattered grey cargo shorts that cover his manhood. BRIEF Bio - Fittingly enough Magnus Boyle was born in Alaska, on a balmy midsummer night during a full moon in 2002. His parents were overjoyed with their lusty, new-born baby boy, However when he grew his baby inch long canines and chewed through the furniture things weren't quite as jovial. From then on it was obvious Magnus wasn't a normal boy. He never got sick, he would howl at the moon, tore his fluffy stuffed bunny into shreds with his teeth, all sorts of stuff that would be hard to justify as 'normal'. He was never violent to his family or friends but it was off-putting enough to warrant a visit to the family doctor. They tried to keep Magnus's peculiarities a secret from the world at large, but secrets have a habit of getting found out. No one is sure were they came from but in the year 2012 several black vans were seen around the Boyles' home town. Shortly after that Magnus went missing. His parents still search to this day, but they have never found so much as a whisker of they're son. Recently however Magnus resurfaced, just not in a form they would ever recognise. Trapped in the guise of a Wolf-man, Magnus barely resembles the person he once was in either body or spirit. What trials he faced to bring on such a metamorphosis, only he can tell. His intentions aren't clear yet but he seems to be driven to help protect the innocent. Magnus 'assisted' Hawkman in taking down a League of Shadows assassin cell that was set to remove a politician from office. I say assisst, but it would be more accurate to say that the Wolf brutalised the ninja's before Hawkman stepped in, stopping Magnus from tearing the assassins limb from limb. The two fought, as heroes usually do upon first meeting, with Hawkman gaining the upper hand after a long lengthy fight. The Feathered Avenger was impressed with Magnus's sheer power, but realised his savagery could become extremely destructive if left unchecked, and decided to take the pup under his wing, so to speak. The rest, as they say, is history.