Explosion roaring and rattling about him the titan cemented himself against the ground. Powerful waves of heat and energy blasted across his core, a piece of enormous shrapnel implanted itself in the earth beside him. Erde, though, was left unharmed among the explosion. As the dust settled so did his mind, a composure of thoughts to try and piece together the odd situation that had just taken place. An enormous metal construct came, killed thousands, and then died in a ball of flame and fury. Though one thing tickled at his mind, something he heard from the woman he met before. Something foul. A word of power? If so a hateful one at that. A last resort spell, of course. Cruel, hateful, and pure evil. Disregarding the foul word he began the quick process of rebuilding a body for himself. The stone rose to a vertical axis and spun to point away from where his 'face' would be. A few strands of clay and silicate were ripped from the ground, they warped themselves into position around the core and turned into a thick cement. Following them was a layer of stone, small and large rocks wriggled from the ground below and began clattering together into a vague humanoid form. Finally a layer of dirt exploded from the ground and clasped itself around the rocky form, creating a more natural shape about him, making him seem more humanoid. He was faceless at this time, no real distinguishing features beyond his earthen form. He was a blank slate without the bronze skeleton that previously held him together. What's more is that he would have to regrow his plants from scratch, and that would take a great deal of time. Regardless, he moved on to bigger and more important things. The woman from before, in the city, was wounded. Erde needed to check up on her and see her condition. The ground split and a small circle of stone rose upwards under his footing. The ground shut around it and Erde zipped off towards her. The ground shook in waves around him, Erde needed to get to her quickly. The Titan was unaware of whether she was alive nor dead, and he needed to check on her.