WIP [hider=VoiD's Sheet] [b]Faction Name:[/b] The Thalidonian Imperium (TI) [b]Faction Type:[/b] Near-absolute Monarchy, where the Emperor has absolute power, but leaves much of the government's administration to others [b]Species[/b]: [u]Tuvanors[/u] A race of humanoids with red skin and two bulbous eyes. Their hair grows in thick cords, and they have pointed teeth. As their home planet had high gravity, they have very muscled legs but somewhat short arms which only go down to their waists. Tuvanorian male and females generally grow to about 5'8, and usually weigh around 300lbs, as their bodies are very dense. They have four lungs and two hearts as well. Tuvanorians commonly have various implants throughout their bodies. [b]Scale and Territory:[/b] [u]Basic Interstellar[/u] Their star system is named Velorum. It has six major celestial bodies: [i]Anteus[/i] - The homeworld of the Tuvanors, it has two major oceans and three major continents. Forests are somewhat sparse, with sprawling deserts and enormous oasis' being the norm. It is rich in many different metals. There are dozens of space ports and space elevators, and enormous interconnected cities can be found across the planet. (3x the size of Earth) [i]Tainos[/i] - Anteus' only moon. It is filled with lush rainforests and fossil fuel deposits, though it is lacking in any significant amounts of both common and rare metals. There are several relatively large cities, and many outposts for the lucrative lumber industry dot the planet. Two space ports and two space elevators are located on the western and eastern hemispheres. (3/4 the size of Earth) [i]Corisen[/i] - A massive, ringed gas giant. There is a somewhat large-scale mining operation underway with several outposts. (Size of Jupiter) [i]Sevora[/i] - A small dwarf planet with an odd tilt on it's axis. It is eternally frozen; a tundra planet with little resources. There is a single research outpost on the surface. (Size of Earth) [i]Trios[/i] - Another large gas giant, with a similar mining operation as can be found on Corisen, but on a smaller scale. (Size of Neptune) [i]Rho[/i] - The star system's sun, it is a yellow dwarf star. (1.5x size of the Sun) [b]Culture[/b]: The Tuvanors have a long tradition of being sailors and aviators, and thus when they discovered space travel, they were able to apply centuries worth of experience and knowledge to it. It is a thoroughly ingrained tradition in Tuvanorian society for young men and women to serve at least a term in the military. They also revere their emperor as a God, and he is picked (or as Tuvanors say, "found") from the greatest candidates in Tuvanorian society. Their general culture is similar to that of Islamic culture before the Mongols. [b]History:[/b]A summary of the faction’s origins and major events involving the faction [b]Technology:[/b]An overview of the faction’s technological capabilities. Include their FTL method. [b]Military Forces:[/b] Approximate military forces of the faction and their relevant capabilities. You can include ship classes and descriptions if you like. [b]Characters:[/b] [/hider]