Dominic sighed again, almost steadily holding an "I am in hell" look. As the second malk finished, he nodded. "Right. On to business. The locals in this town have held a long term truce with the local Werewolf pack." He motioned to the woman in the corner. "This is Thaina. Their go between with us. She is here to ensure that truce stays. And I say it does. I also say that I will not jeopardize that with ignorant or arrogant fledglings." He turned his head to the woman. "You have my permission to execute any of my kind you find in your domain without permission. But that will be returned in kind." Turning back to the group. "They own the lands surrounding the city, and the donut cafe. You have been warned." Satisfied, Thaina leaves without a word. "Now, there are a couple matters to attend to then you can go. Firstly I want to know who the other locals in town are and why they didn't come. Secondly, I want to know what other local supernaturals we have. I don't want to make too many waves at once. If we have to deal with issues, it should be on our terms. If we can all be adults about this, I shouldn't need to make a feeding roster for everyone. Now, unless anyone has any questions, you are free to discuss what needs to be done. I am looking for officers, and I need to see what you can do." He stood to leave, but waited to see if anyone had any questions.