A tingle rushes through his stomach as the male seems to take a calming breath before responding. His legs come up and begin kicking back and forth much like a teen girl's would as he listens to the other speak. [i]'So controlled. So calm sounding. He has recovered quickly. It's impressive. The only other guy I have ever seen recovering that quickly is my brother after one of my more insane stunts. But then again, it was in both our best interests for him to do so'[/i] He tilts his head as he listens, legs still swaying as he contemplates the other's words. [i]'Ah, diving right into the meat of the matter I see. I can respect the fact that he wants strait answers, it is the fastest way to reach an end. However, telling him would lead us away from the end I am aiming for'[/i] Feeling actually a little bad about not being able to give Erik a strait answer he looks away with a sigh, his legs slowing. “I am sorry, but I can not reveal my plan to you yet. Perhaps, in time,” his gaze returns to his captive, “I will be able to trust you with it. However until then I can only hope you will come to believe me when I say I am working for the best of all of us, your kind, and mine.” His legs fall back into a steady rhythm as he motions to the place where the chains are attached to the wall. “As for getting out of the chains, around the fifth dose you will be tame enough for me to not have to worry about being strangled in my sleep. However you will have to stay in this room until the seventh dose. After that I may allow you to take trips outside the house. As soon as I'm sure it's taken.” An earnest shine comes to his eyes as he adds, “I am sure this will be unpleasant for you. Joseph still gets a dark look when he thinks about it, and he was broken centuries ago.” Alexi averts his eyes for a moment before returning his gaze to the chained man. [i]'Though, if my plan works, we will not get past the fourth dose. . .'[/i] He lets out a sigh and smiles at Erik. “Any more questions?” ~*~*~*~*~ Joseph's obvious initial confusion makes Mois's stomach clench. He sets down the slick of sandwich without even taking a bite. His stomach rebels at the action however his concerns outweigh his need to feed. Propping his head up on laced fingers, elbows on his knees, Mois grinds his teeth at Joseph's near panic over the realization of the rebel's presence. [i]'Alexi didn't even tell him just [b]who[/b] he brought in. I know it's his plan that no one from the rebellion finds out about this, however I would have thought that he would at least tell Joseph. . . .'[/i] He watches in mild fascination as the vampire visibly calms down and his tone returns to normal in only a few seconds. With a sigh he looks to his old caretaker and says, “I'm sure he just forgot in all the excitement of the arrival.” Shaking his head he sits back, his hands gripping the arms of the chair lightly. “Alexi will be most appreciative if you would keep any of the servants from finding out about the, um, wild vampire. . .” He hesitates for a moment, but then concern for his brother overrides caution. Leaning closer to Joseph he lowers his voice, though he knows there is no one around to overhear him. “This is not just some wild vampire Joseph. This guy is the leader of the rebellion.” Shaking his head again he brings a hand up and presses it against his forehead. His eyes close as he whispers, “Brother tells me that he has some plan for bringing peace, but in order for it to work he has to hard break this guy.” His eyes open, hands falling to his knees where they take a white knuckled grip. Looking deep into Joseph's eyes his tone becomes openly worried. “I have no idea what the whole plan is, but the fact that he refuses to tell it all to me give me enough reason to feel on edge.” He lets out a sigh, leaning back into the chair his eyes fall closed again. “I have tried over and over to figure out what he's up to. I [b]know[/b] that after the breaking there is no way for him to even rejoin the rebellion, let alone regain his old post. . .” His voice tapers off and he sits silently for a few seconds before his eyes open and seek out once more those of the vampire.