Rhea stretched as she left her dorm, heading towards the long steps that would lead her to the academy. She turned a corner and found herself at the base of the steps, taking a moment to absorb in the view. The giant academy looked lovely with the sun shining down on it. Death City may have been quirky, but it grew on a person. It was a strange oasis in the middle of a hot desert. With a deep breath, Rhea made her way up the steps. When she first arrived at the DWMA, she had barely made it to the top. Now she could easily run up it without running out of breath. It was a good source of excersize. Rhea neared the top and slowed down until she was walking up the last steps. She turned right and leant against the ledge, looking down upon the city. She instantly relaxed, a soft smile on her face. She could tell why her mother had liked this place so much. Aside from the amazing things the students could do, Death City was wonderful by itself. Rhea then turned to focus on the crowd before her, noticing the tags on their clothing explaining what they were. She smiled softly, watching the new kids pair up. She had had a few meisters, but none ever really could match her wavelength. She'd been trying to learn how to fight on her own, but lately it had been difficult. She wondered if there were any meisters that were willing to partner up with her.