His undead features formed what appeared to be a scowl as the last shred of night was obliterated by the rising sun. Raphaezel stood on his balcony for a moment longer before turning and making his way indoors. The Lich glided more than walked, a small cloud of green energy shrouding his feet. If he so chose he could physically walk as the lesser races do but he much preferred this method of traversing his environment. The balcony doors closed on their own the moment he was through the threshold as if they sensed his presence. He glided across the main chamber, which served as his private library, to one of the smaller rooms. Skulls of all kinds lined the walls and the floor held an array of glyphs and ritual symbols. Chained in the center of the room was an unconscious human male, an adventurer of sorts who was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Raphaezel tapped the floor with the butt end of his staff and magically amplified the sound. Instantly, the human awoke and began to panic and scream upon laying eyes on the Lich. His face formed a crooked grin and an eerie laugh emanated from his dead lips. He raised a boney hand and a spiraling blast of necromantic energy shot forth and passed through the human, carrying his soul with it as it exited. The lifeless body slumped to the floor and the energy returned to Raphaezels hand. The Lich examined the soul intently. 'Brave.. curious.. cautious….. ah, there it is. Jealousy. All humans possess some darkness in their hearts.' He laughed as he devoured the soul. While not necessary to sustain himself, the darkness of souls tasted something wonderful. The body may prove useful later, or not, after all it was now his property and he would do whatever he felt with it. On that note he glided out of the room and through the main chamber to the exit door. He willed them open and they swung open as if a battering ram had struck. Green smoke poured forth along the floor into the corridor, dissipating past the doors. Perhaps he would visit the shops today. The doors of his lair closed as he glided away.