[quote=Guardian Angel Haruki] Yes, I'm willing to double up as Nine. ^_^As for my OC, I'm still fleshing her out, but I was thinking that she would be a spunky person, who can make wisecrack jokes, is very mischievous, and sort of rebellious, and tends to get herself into a lot of trouble, but is a very supportive and reliable person. In a sense she would be adventurous and have a lot of moxie. ((If that sounds like a horrid character, let me know. ^^" I don't want to end up making a Mary Sue)) [/quote] I already have my hands full with two other DW roleplays where people play the sort of character you described and it's a bit tiring to deal with someone who gets into trouble and is a bit of a rebel. Sure, they may earn their keep somehow but it's not really someone I want a third story to dictate. It's kind of the "go to" thing I think a lot of people end up wanting to play. *shrugs* If you have another idea or option, I'm all ears though.