[quote=Black Plague] I kinda have to agree. I personally liked his character. Your issue with the weapons is understandable, but he also put severe hindrances on them to make up for it. As for your issue with the nickname, I think the general idea was that he "lies in wait like a snake, and then vanishes into the desert like a ghost." Buuuuuuuuut, as I said before, what the GM says goes, so... Sorry Trapezoid. Maybe you can join in later?Edit: Am I the only one to notice the Hatfield–McCoy reference in his bio? [/quote] I'm not gonna bitch and say he can't have any reference to a "Ghost Snake" but I would like to point out that my call sign, my a.k.a, since the interest check has been Ghost...just saying it's kinda similar lol.