[center][img=http://i.imgur.com/LAshoov.png][/center] Inadi followed with the rest of the humans into a room that he assumed was a stable. The amount of animal sounds in the hallway leading to it seemed to suggest as much. If not a stable, clearly they were off to visit the Sol zoo before going to face the dragon. Good thing too. Inadi always loved a nice and cheerful field trip before marching off to his imminent and fire-filled death. It was a custom he was trying to instill in himself before it was too late. Though he had to admit there was something familiar about some of those calls... Looking down at his slightly flamboyant (at least in his eyes) [url=http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2010/145/7/8/Lightning_Mage_by_yuzchris.jpg]cape and armor[/url]. When he explained he was a magic user he didn't think they would make him look like some kind of mysterious wanderer. Far be it from him to complain about the added protection. Whatever this armor could do to prevent himself from being hurt against whatever monsters were out there he was all for wearing. But did he really need something that made him stick out like a sore thumb as badly as this ensemble did? Then there was the situation with his newly acquired [url=http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120623150509/finalfantasy/images/thumb/d/dd/Kain%27sLance-ffix-spear.png/40px-Kain%27sLance-ffix-spear.png]spear[/url]. When he saw how low his magic was after summoning the lightening bolt to be his weapon, Inadi grew worried. After a few of those he would end up running entirely on life energy and there was no telling what all was going to happen if that last resort had to be pulled out. He'd rather not risk the chance to be honest, which was where the spear came into play. He showed some knowledge of how to wield the thing, but naturally he had no idea what the overall capabilities were in regards to combat. He just figured he would keep doing the 'thrust-thrust-stab' thing until he had to come up with a new plan. The spear itself was actually quite astonishing. It was just barely bigger than he was but it felt like it weighed about as much as two grocery bags of food he would carry back to his home every other week. And the barb that was on the back end of the spear made him cringe. The idea of that getting stuck in something or someone. Once that spear came out after a thrust, it was going to take something out with it. He quickly got his mind off the subject as he felt a queasy feeling stirring in his stomach. As they inched closer to the doors, Inadi heard his name get called. He looked up and noticed it was Riley. She seemed to be complimenting him and Haku for a job well done back with the slime. While he was flattered that she thought he contributed, he had to admit he wasn't all that worthy of praise. He pretty much just poked the big thing to see if it was dead. And the little slimes weren't that big of a threat. Hell, Ace had been kicking a few of them with her foot, where Inadi didn't even humor at the idea that he should touch one. Haku really deserved the majority of the praise, not him. When the doors to the stables opened, Inadi's eyes immediately went to the large tiger that was near the entrance. He was massive! So much bigger than tiger's back home. At least from what he could tell. And he was so friendly too. Like a house cat that hadn't seen his master in such a long time that he felt he had been forgotten about. He began rubbing his head and sides on Inadi, begging to be petted by the newly met human. As Inadi smiled and fulfilled the cat's need to be the center of attention the boy began picking up his head. What he saw made him go wide-eyed and had his jaw drop to the floor. Quickly running over to a stable, he stood in front of something he had only seen in fantasy. A Chocobo! A real life Chocobo! The feathers were a brilliant gold, the legs long and strong. “This is the real thing! This is a Chocobo!” Inadi screamed out with a laugh caught in his throat. Here he was, a 20 year old man jumping up and down like a child going to see Santa for the first time. Yet for as sure as Inadi was at what was standing in front of him was the real deal, there was still one thing left to check. “.......Kweh?” Inadi sounded as best he could to the old sounds he remembered in the games he played that a Chocobo sounded like. To his astonishment the Chocobo standing in front of him, who before seemed to be completely unaware of Inadi's existence, suddenly shot a look down and leaned in closer. Its eyes seemed to show signs of curiosity and intrigue. Leaning in closer still, Inadi could smell the feathers on the great bird now. They had a mixture of open fields and old wood, no doubt from the stables themselves. The bird tilted its head to the right and blinked twice at the human. “Kweh!” Inadi smiled and began shooting back calls with the Chocobo, each one generating a response. The room was quickly filled with kwehs and warks so much so that even the other Chocobo's seemed to become involved in the discussion. Inadi felt himself becoming lost in a childhood dream. This may have been the first great thing that he experience in Nowhere, and he was sure nothing was going to top it. Searching around for the two guides in the room, he turned to Victoria and Avian with a smile shooting across his face ear to ear. “Excuse me, I hate to be a bother but I have a quick question? Do you have any Gyshal Greens here? Or is that asking a little too much to make this whole thing the perfect experience.” Inadi laughed as the Chocobo behind him began jumping up and down, flapping its wings with a happy look in its eyes. Clearly Inadi said something right, as he laughed at the little show the great bird began putting on in front of everyone in the stable.