Name: Kayetan Svarst'Kulsomfall Age: 25 Race: Svekker Country of Birth: Svekker-Vastermannen Commonwealth Country of Origin: Svekker-Vastermannen Commonwealth Appearance: As with all Svekkerns, Kayetan has pale, alabaster skin. His veins are very prominent, especially on his lower arms and legs. His sandy brown hair gives away his clan's tribal past, but that does not particularly bother him. Slender and tall, Kayetan could almost look graceful if not for his angular facial features. Low cheek bones and a sharp chin gives him a rather sullen expression, not at all helped by his almost never smiling lips and cold, blue eyes. Bio: Kayetan was born into the prestigious Kulsomfall clan, an ancient ally of the Svekker royal bloodline and one of the most well-regarded clans within the Commonwealth. His family had the honour of being the rulers of the southernmost province of the Commonwealth and thus whenever the call for arms came from the Yaes Numir Sayur, it would be them who would lead the majority of the Commonwealth army. The Kulsomfall was a very martial clan and demanded the same of its leaders as it did for its people. As such, despite being considered a minor nobleman, Kayetan was trained from young in the martial arts. His father, a staunch believer in that firearms would dictate the outcomes of future battles, focused heavily on making sure Kayetan had an excellent grasp of gunpowder tactics and that he knew how to operate a musket or pistol. As with all Commonwealth nobles, he was drilled intensively in fighting with a sword and sword-breaker. By the time Kayetan was thirteen, he was an adept with the sword and an excellent shot with the musket. His first taste of combat, however, would come when he was sixteen and he was tasked with leading a small army under his command to give one of the northern tribes living outside Commonwealth borders a stern warning after they had been caught raiding farmlands within the Commonwealth. He had been given two regiments of musketeers, four regiments of regular footmen and three cavalry squadrons, in total numbering roughly a a thousand and two hundred men. During the campaign, Kayetan proved his worth as a military strategist by dealing a succession of decisive blows to the enemy, but his impulsive streak showed when he disobeyed orders to stop at the border and chased the tribal army back into the homeland, where he was cut off and surrounded by the enemy. He personally fought on foot as a musketeer with the rest of his men and even had the honour of personally killing an enemy commander. For this, Kayetan earned the respect of his men, but he was still given a tongue-lashing when his army and he were eventually rescued by a Commonwealth force. For the next few years, Kayetan was confined within the Commonwealth until he was deemed fit for command. It was a light sentence, considering that disobeying orders was considered to be one of the worst things a military person could do. He was saved from a lengthy stay in the dungeons simply because the Commonwealth knew that if they did just that, they would have roughly a thousand men who would be very displeased with that decision. Kayetan quickly grew bored of being stuck within Commonwealth borders, especially with news of continued offensives into tribal lands to the north filtering down to his ears. It made him antsy, and there was little to keep him occupied anymore. His greatest accomplishment during his years of confinement was to have his musket cut down to a carbine in order to make it easier to use on horseback. It greatly impressed his father and the other military leaders, but to Kayetan, all he did was just take a saw to his gun because he found it too long. Kayetan was finally allowed to see combat when he was twenty-one, but not as a commander of an army. Rather, he was given command of a squadron of carbine-armed cavalry. He was once again deployed north to counter tribal forces, but Kayetan found himself wanting to do more. He did not just want to see frozen ice fields for the rest of his life, he wanted to see what the world had to offer. Thus, when the campaign ended and Kayetan went home, he made his intention to journey the world known to his family. While initially hesitant to send what would be the heir to Kulsomfall lands go off adventuring, that quickly turned to approval when his parents decided that some time away from the Commonwealth would do him some good. It would at least force him to learn how to handle things on his own and hopefully to be a little more cautious. Kayetan took the weapons he had used for his military career as his personal arms and set off for Lemea, finding that as good a place as any to start adventuring. Personality: Like most Svekkerns, Kayetan can be easily described as humourless, logical and very straightforward. He is the sort of person you would want around to always question your plans and to make sure that they are watertight, but he's not exactly the person you would want if more tact is preferred. Kayetan can be counted on to provide a snide, snarky or deadpan response to any situation. Still, he can be counted on to fight as hard as he possibly can to achieve a given goal. His northern pride would not settle for anything less. Kayetan does have a well-hidden impulsive streak which shows only when he's in the heat of a moment, such as a battle. Sometimes his spur-of-the-moment decisions work in his favour, other times it doesn't. Combat Skills: - Skilled marksman with firearms - Excellent swordsman - Can handle himself as a mounted warrior - Good tactician and strategist Adventuring & Survival Skills: - His patience makes him a good hunter - Good at making traps Other Skills: Reason for traveling: Wanderlust Other: - Armed with a snaplock carbine, sword and sword-breaker (Basically a dagger with a longer-than-normal blade with a notch to deflect or catch swords at critical moments)