I've had an idea for a Fantasy setting. Troglodytes (Mixture between fishmen/Troglodytes of D&D, and Murlocks, from Warcraft). Primates (Various apes/monkey species, like Planet of the Apes). Serpentkin (Serpent Men. . .) Lycans (Wolfmen. . .) . . . add more. Alright guys. . . I realize that many people don't like predetermined races, so the Primates, Serpentkin and Lycans are the only races that are predetermined. If no one chooses them they will be NPCs. If people DO go the typical Fantasy route by choosing Elves and Dwarves (Go ahead and make Human cultures of some kind if you want), I am going to only approve them if they have a certain appeal that probably isn't the same as typical Fantasy Tropes that have been used time and time again over the years.