[b][u]PLOT POST ON BEHALF OF iSUSPECT[/u][/b] The still morning was turning out to be relatively nice as our apprentices each enjoyed their meals. The masters of The Order of the White Lotus enjoyed their own feast on the opposite side of the dining hall. Unbeknownst to them all, an evil force was about to come crashing down on them, literally. [b]So Hai:[/b] You know Bison I just don't get it. [b]Bison:[/b] Don't get what? [b]So Hai:[/b] You let that girl run around and do as she pleases without so much as a slap on the wrist. You're much too soft on her. [b]Bison:[/b] Well, Master So Hai, if you're- wait. [b]So Hai:[/b] Hm? Just as So Hai spoke an enormous pillar came crashing down through the roof of the dining hall effectively splitting the room in two! Luckily no one was crushed by the pillar itself but before anyone could react a flood of warriors stormed into the room on both sides. The warriors rushed the apprentices with their various weapons swinging to make a kill. The apprentices would barely have time to react before the hoard was upon them. Each of them would have their hands full simply staying alive with such a force. Meanwhile, on the other side of the enormous metallic pillar. Each of the Masters readied themselves for a fight as more warriors piled in. Coming in right behind them was a mountain of a man clad in metal armor, only his eyes were visible through his helmet. [b]Armor-Clad Mountain-Man:[/b] I am the Juggernaut and you are all my prisoners! The resulting fight was a sight to behold, yet for all their skill they were fighting a losing battle. There was simply too many men for them to deal with. Their battle led them away from the dining hall and into other parts of the compound as the Juggernaut rampaged in his pursuit. The apprentices would have to fend for themselves as the Masters fought with every fiber of their being to fell the Juggernaut. Despite their struggle the Masters would eventually be subdued by the man who called himself Juggernaut.