Aveline slowed as she approached the melted gate, muttering a disapproving few words about the mage, and passed through into the courtyard at a trot. She found herself wondering if her brother had stood in the exact spot she did, and where had he turned to enter the keep? The entrances were vast and varied, reminiscent of a puzzle. She likened to courtyard to a life-sized board for a game of stones. Casting her eyes about the courtyard, it seemed the stones of this board retired long ago. Nothing but their bones and weapons remained of their play. She watched the mage in flames at the second gate with a single raised eyebrow and dismounted, tying Bella by her reins to the nearest post in the stables. In the vastness of her travels she had met more than the odd mage – none with Athinar's power, but noteworthy nonetheless – and for the first time she did not appreciate it. For a brief moment she felt guilty leaving the horse and considered setting her free, should they not survive the keep. Instead she pressed her forehead to the horse's long face and stroked her mane; a silent apology and a promise to return. Then, adjusting the sword on her hip, she strode to the other arrivals. "I don't plan on waiting for the mage to destroy another gate. There are other entrances," she told them, gesturing to the doors and ladders. The mage could be helpful, she would admit that, but if her wholly ungifted brother could go missing in such a lifeless, soul-damning place as this keep, a mage acting as Athinar was could provoke any number of evils. Aveline did not wish to go missing as well, nor wished that upon her companions. She let her eyes sweep over them, glanced at the mage once more, then walked to the nearest door to see if it would open.