[quote=Kurisa] Sasha continued to run towards the district with excitement, it was her first real mission....well....first seriously dangerous one and that for some reason excited her. She stopped some way through her running to make sure the other two were following "HURRY UP YOU TWO! THIS GUY WONT WAIT FOREVER!!" Sasha continued to run on and for some odd reason not using Shunpo despite knowing how, she wasn't actually half bad at it but she didn't use it for some odd reason, she liked to run through the districts and get a good look at everything but it didn't take long for them to reach South District 69, it seemed Sasha actually ran pretty fast and she still had so much energy left. "Right....where is this guy?" Sasha began looking around immediately, checking in windows or what you could call windows, ally ways and so on [/quote] As they made their way into District 69 Takeshi kept an arm rested on his sheath with his hand covering the butt of the sword. He watched as Sasha started checking windows which was....A little weird, considering people may have wanted their privacy. But they had a job to do, and he could be hiding in the houses, so he didn't dismiss it. Henry had went onto the buildings to get a higher ground and better view, Sasha was running around searching alleys and windows. Of course, getting the higher ground or searching alleyways with Sasha would go allot faster, but so would this. He walked up behind a 69 civilian and tapped the fine gent's shoulder, "Excuse me sir, but do you recognize this man?" he asked as he held up the picture for when he turned around.