[center] [h1][i]Ryoichi Rousseau[/i][/h1] Ryoichi was born in Japan in the late 1980's, but was abandoned at a very young age. It was unclear whether or not his parents died or simply left, but Ryoichi grew up on the streets mostly on his own. During the early years of his life he was looked after by a kind old man who could hardly take care of himself, but he died when Ryoichi was seven. After that, he went back on to the streets with nothing but the clothes on his back. It was there that he met Ryuunosuke, a fellow orphan, who was in a similar situation as him, and also close in age. For a long time the two looked out for each other on the streets, stealing food, finding shelter, and generally surviving together. They became close enough where they referred to each other as brothers, and thought that nothing would ever be strong enough to break their bond, but then Protettore came along, and everything changed. It was a dark rainy night and the two little boys hadn't had anything to eat in a while. They were on the brink of starvation when Ryuunosuke noticed a wealthy looking foreigner walk past. Ryoichi then got the great idea to steal from the man and use his money to buy food, and before Ryuu could say anything, he was already running to catch up to the man. His hand was already halfway down his coat pocket when a iron grip latched on to his wrist and pulled him away. It wasn't the wealthy man who had done it, but instead the other man who he was with. Ryo was about to kick and fight his way out of the situation when the wealthy man put out his cigarette and took out his wallet, handing Ryo a stack of money. Overjoyed, Ryo went back to Ryuu with the cash and that night they ate more than ever before. The next night, the same wealthy man walked past the alley way where they had first met, and handed them both a bento box. Ryo and Ryuu were confused, but they wouldn't pass up the chance of free food. The next night after that, expecting the man to come again, they were surprised to see that the man had brought a car with him and told them to get in. Ryo was uneasy at first, afterall, the man was a stranger, but with nothing else to loose, he went into the car, with a reluctant Ryuu trailing behind. In near fluent Japanese, the wealthy man asked them if they would like to come live with him in a strange place called Italy, and that he would adopt them both if they said yes. Immediately Ryo agreed, as he was tired of living on the streets and wanted a real home, and together with Ryuunosuke, they went to Italy. It turned out that the wealthy man was even more wealthy than they ever thought and he lived in a giant mansion just outside the city. Adjusting to life in Europe was difficult at first, especially getting used to the language, and they would often have to ask their new father, whose name was Protettore ((another word they couldn't say so they just called him Papa)) to translate for them. But translating every little thing became tiring and soon Protettore hired an Italian teacher to teach them, as well as a league of teachers to teach them about all the other subjects that they missed. Within a year they were mostly caught up and could even speak in Italian. Now able to talk to others, they began forming relationships with other people who lived in the mansion, including the man who had been with Tori in Japan, who they would soon come to know as Mama. After a two years of being adopted, their father's work picked up and he was out of the mansion a lot more. Scared that they were going to be thrown out on the streets again, the boys tried to convince him to let them come with them, but he told them that his work was dangerous. Instead of hiring a nanny, he left them in the care of Vencentio, the other person they were familiar with, where they would stay on weeks on end. Soon they too began to form a familial bond with Vencentio and Ryo began to affectionately call him Mama, since he already had a father. When Protettore returned, he found it funny that they had taken such a liking to Vencentio and never bothered to correct them, leading them to believe that Vencentio was apart of their family too. It wasn't until he was much older did Ryoichi discover what Protettore really was. He knew that his Mama and Papa weren't normal, since they never went out during day time or any of the normal things people did, but he never knew what to call it. When he hit his teenage years, his father finally sat him down and confessed that he was a vampire, and required human blood to survive. Rather than he shocked or frightened, Ryo instantly thought it was cool and asked Tori if he could become one too. Laughing, his father told him that he wouldn't want to be a thirteen year old for the rest of eternity, and told him and Ryuunosuke that he would give them the choice to become and vampire or not when they got older. It wasn't until they were [i]older [/i]that they discovered that their family was actually apart of a mob, and that Tori was the Don. But during his teenage years, a rift began to form between Ryo and Ryuu. At first it started small, with small arguments here and there, but once they hit puberty, it erupted into full blown fights. Tori and Ven were always fast enough to stop them before anyone got hurt, but the emotional damage was still there. The once close brothers were now becoming quick rivals, and it was all for Tori's attention. Tori thought that they would cease their fighting when he turned them into vampires when he were twenty-two, but the fighting only continued, and became more destructive, now that they had their supernatural powers.[/center] [hider=Relationships] [b]Grandfathers;[/b] [u]Alexandre Rousseau[/u] - Legal grandfather. Changed Vampire. Ryo only has a rocky relationship with Alexandre because Protettore does. Other than that, he doesn't hate him or anything, he just doesn't consider him "real" family. [u]Trixxtal Rutella[/u] - Adoptive grandfather. Changed Vampire. Ryo has a G R E A T relationship with Trixxtal and has been spoiled rotten by him for ages, along with Ryuunosuke. He lowkey fights for Trixxtal's attention as well and tries to impress him with his training. [u]Jecht Rutella[/u] - Adoptive grandfather. Changed Vampire. Ryo has a wonderful relationship with Jecht as well and affectionately calls him Granpa when he visits. Knowing that he trained Tori, Ryo wants to ask him to train him too, but has always been too nervous to ask. Grandmothers; Gianna Rousseau - Legal grandmother. Pureblood. Unlike Alexandre, Ryoichi has a perfectly functioning relationship with his Grandma. Father; Protettore Giordano Vencentio Russello Siblings; Ryuunosuke Rousseau Donatella Giordano Uncles; Anastasio Rousseau - Legal uncle. Pureblood. Partners; Marie Maya Caballero - Subordinates; [/hider]