Reza remained still and silent while the rest of the Kindred in the room introduced themselves and stated which clan they belonged to. It surprised him to hear that there was another Assamite in attendance tonight. A child in appearance, though Reza knew not to trust such appearances. What he trusted more was the shade of his clansman's skin. It was still light, and so the child was young. Like him. It was pretty obvious that the child was not from the ancestral home of the Assamites, however. While it wasn't particularly rare for an Assamite to be sired outside of the Middle East, the vast majority of the clan were from that part of the world. The fact that this child wasn't made Reza suspect that perhaps his Embrace had not been sanctioned by the clan. Were they even aware of his existence? It didn't really matter to Reza either way. He wasn't going to stab the child in his very small back. Murder wasn't something that he condoned. Not without very good reason. And besides, the child wished to join the Camarilla. That meant they were of a like cause, more or less. He wouldn't complain about that. The Brujah that had introduced himself as Augustas spoke up in his loud voice, pulling the Assamite from his thoughts. Reza thought the Brujah had a point, really. It made him uncomfortable to think that werewolves might be inside the city limits, apart from the aforementioned cafe. While he had no personal experience with lupines, he knew enough not to mess with them. His sire had told him to avoid them if he valued his life. Reza did indeed value that life, and so he wasn't going to go searching through the city for ones not keeping to their agreed-upon boundaries. He glanced over at the werewolf ambassador, giving her a small nod of acknowledgment before heading toward the child Assamite. The seat beside the child was open, and he subtly shifted his scimitar so he could take that open seat. "Hello," he greeted the child quietly, trying not to be a disturbance to the other Kindred who might be asking the Prince further questions. "Gaius, was it?" He didn't hold out a hand to initiate a handshake. It was instinct on his part to avoid physical contact with other Assamites, and usually other Kindred didn't want to have an Assamite touch them, either. He gave the small Assamite a smile, trying to put him at ease. It had to be intimidating, being so small when in the presence of larger Kindred. Especially that Brujah. That man was positively [i]massive.[/i] "Are there any others of our clan in the city?" he inquired. He wanted to know if Gaius was here alone or not. If he was on his own, then Reza saw little reason not to have him come and meet his mentor. It was best for Assamites to stick together, after all. Safer. He wanted to offer this child that security.