[quote=YuukiSuzuki] He was avoiding everything she was sending at him! This wasn't working, and unless she wanted another close call much like before (which she really didn't right now), she had to find another way to damage him. But what was the question? However, the question was thrown from her mind when a sudden rise of spiritual pressure stopped her thoughts dead, quite literally. Golden hues turning a bright crimson in response, her own spiritual pressure flaring around her like a shield. Her right hand automatically going and reaching for the hilt of her Zanpakuto. The mask however, caught her off guard. not good. But with Dokuga yelling at her to get a grip within her own head, within mere moments Kyoko had snapped out of her stunned gaze. Sure, it was clear this mask gave the Captain some kind of extra power, just what was yet to be seen. Whatever the case, it wasn't good. She thought quickly. But this wasn't the time for that, drawing her Zanpakuto in a single motion, the white haired Shinigami sliced upwards, aiming from the younger-looking male's stomach up to his left shoulder. Even if that failed, instead of punches like before, now came a barrage of swift attacks via her Zanpakuto, eyes glowing a bloody red. Looking for any sign of movement, or aura that might help her avoid any attacks coming in her direction. One thing throughout all this remained clear, despite the slight fear within her body, Kyoko remembered. She was still being tested here. [/quote] Ryan saw her have a slight amount of hesitation before reacting. Though it didn't seem like much hesitation, it was there. She seemed to get a grip on herself quickly though, and that was all he needed. He shunpoed back, "Welcome to the squad." He removed the mask, sheathed his blade then looked to her, knowing it probably created questions in her mind. The vaizard mask was part blessing, part curse, part of that blessing being able to test recruits' ability to react to things that they had likely never seen before, and a lot of the time, that wasn't an ability they had. He looked to the one who he had given the papers to "Your test, will be her first mission. Consider yourself part of the squad temporarily, just write everything on that form down other than the squad for now, as you might be switching if you don't do well enough." He then glanced towards the girl "And give her the other paper, please."