[center][b]VALENTE[/b] Valente's gross sobbing had drowned out anything Adrian had to say, so he didn't hear when he said 'Valhalla Mancini'. If he had, he would have packed up shop right there and hit the road, never to be heard of again. He liked Protettore and Marcellina just fine, but he couldn't be around others who knew about his homeworld, or the Council, or anything even remotely connected to his past. He knew that he couldn't keep running forever, but he couldn't stop now, especially now that he knew that his little brother was looking for him. He finished sobbing with the help of his friends reassurances. " T-thank you, that sounds really great," He told Marcellina, pulling a handkerchief from his shirt sleeve, [i]magically[/i], and used it to wipe his tears. " C'mon, we should do what the Boss told us..." He muttered reluctantly and began to walk over to the discarded bodies on the ground. They weren't even worth healing if they couldn't fight off a simple spirit, but orders were orders. He began healing them one by one, placing his hand on their foreheads for a minute or two, before moving on to the next one. " They should wake up in the next 30 minutes. I know Boss said to move them to the medical room, but they'll be fine if we leave them here. It'll be like they're having a slumber party!" He cooed, his earlier distressed mood gone. As he reached the final guy, his phone jingled in his pocket. The text was from Protettore and Valente could already tell what it was going to be. From -> The Boss Subject -> You Idiot -- My Uncles will be arriving soon. I want you to escort them over here. And fix Jecht's hair before he kills you. -- Valente laughed loudly and showed the text proudly to Marcellina, " Looks like the grandpas are coming over! I hope Jecht likes the new hairstyle I gave him! Centuries of having the same hair style should be a crime, y'know. I don't know what he's so angry over." He had even been so kind enough as to give Jecht multiple colors instead of picking one for him. The least he could do was be grateful. He gleefully texted Protettore back that the job was done and that he would be leaving the castle. All the magical seals and charms would still be in affect in Valente's absence, but the fortress would no longer be able to move. " Well, jobs done so I'm off. Oh, Adrian! You haven't met the Grandpas yet. Oh, you'll love them, they're real fun! Make sure to compliment the one with the rainbow hair, he worked really hard on it," Valente laughed and casted a protection spell around himself. It blocked out his magical energy, so others wouldn't be able to sense him, and it also served as a barrier, incase Jecht tried to attack him. Again. " If you could, can you watch over Adrian? Make sure he doesn't get into trouble, or that...er, no one wants to eat him." He asked Marcellina, his most trusted confidant in this place. After a quick transformation spell, turning him to a beautiful golden bat, Valente casted another spell, this time a transportation one, and he arrived at Trixxtal and Jecht's private Island. Or well, what he expected to be their island. Everything was dark, cramped, and smelt slightly of sweaty feet. He heard muffled voices from above, but couldn't quite guess where he was. It was only when a sudden ray of light appeared and a foot was coming towards him did he realize where the spell had landed him. Before he was smushed to death, Valente sunk his tiny teeth into the foot and heard a loud yell, the foot retracting instantly and the shoe falling to the floor. Valente hastily headed towards the light and emerged out of the shoe, flying up to the ceiling where he was safe, and looked down. Damn, so it hadn't been Jecht that he had bit, but Trixxtal instead. But it was all good, he wasn't that fond of the blonde anyway. [b]TRIXXTAL[/b] " Ow! Ow! [i]Ow! Ow![/i]" Trixxtal cried, hopping around on one foot while carefully holding his wounded one with his hands. He had only been getting ready to leave for Protettore's fortress and went to go grab his shoes. He wasn't expecting to be bitten, or for a bat to come flying out of it. He had only worn those boots yesterday anyway, so there was no way a bat could be living in there without him noticing! He looked up at the ceiling, finding the bat, and was about to try to shoo it out the window when he noticed the strange color of it's fur. It dawned on him then that this was not any ordinary bat. " Jecht! Jecht!" He cried out, hopping to their bed so that his bloody foot didn't have to touch the floor and ruin their perfectly white rug. " Oh, you're going to fucking get it this time." He muttered darkly to Valente.[/center]