[b]Faction Name:[/b] - Iliptic Sphere, aka I-Sphere [b]Faction Type:[/b] - Democratic confederacy [b]Species:[/b] - Alkay (near-human), Torpor Exomorphs (wasp-like biosynthetic entities) [b]Scale and Territory:[/b] - Interstellar. Homeworld of Alkos is the core of the I-Sphere, maintaining six major colonies and dozens of minor outposts. Territory is split between local governmental bodies and their colonial holdings. [b]Culture:[/b] - Religion is nihilistic and hinges on the prior death of all divine beings; hedonistic excess and freedom (as well as wilful sacrilege) is promoted among all classes and castes. Society sees the shaping of life as an art form, with bioengineered living decorations being common, an aesthetic of organic forms often seen in architecture, and prominent fashion making use of living, breathing clothing. Recent disastrous forays into radical bioengineering and biosynthetic design have resulted in a notable offshoot minority population which is still trying to adapt to its own existence. [b]History:[/b] - Alkay scientific revolution resulted in the death of superstition and the formation of their current religion of hedonistic nihilism. Since then they have expanded rather quickly at the behest of their high population pressures and have made notable efforts to understand outlying phenomena and develop a working understanding of the underpinning physical laws of the universe, as these pursuits are seen as essential to making sense of a godless reality. Recent accidents in bioengineering have created a notable and bizarre subpopulation of Torpor Exomorphs, who are still struggling to adapt and find a role in society. [b]Technology:[/b] - FTL is based on the "Torpor Engine", a psuedo-instantaneous jumpdrive which has extreme adverse effects on most beings who are conscious during transit. The Torpor Exomorphs are, curiously, immune to this property of the drive. Alkay technology has a keen focus on understanding and replicating biological processes, resulting in advanced and casual bioengineering and fairly sophisticated biosynthetic technologies. Alkay ships and buildings are "alive" and many systems controlled by such biosynthetic properties. [b]Military Forces:[/b] - The alkay military is relatively average, although numerically overdeveloped as a consequence of each component state of the I-Sphere maintaining its own independent military force. Soldiers have access to advanced medical technologies, but are otherwise uncertain to be equipped equally.