"Wow, my brave brother Shawnie," Lucinda said. She reached out and gave the lady's hand a good firm shake. "You can call me Lucy if you please." She eyed her brother, giving him a look that only he could read. Shawn gave her a look back that she seemed to understand. They were very close, seeing as how he raised her from very young. He was not only a brother, but a mother and father figure as well. "So Mrs. Robin, what is it that you do for a living?" She asked. She did not mind that there was a white person in their home, though the idea was a little odd. Most people would be talking soon, that was for sure. It was not everyday that the colors mixed by choice. Though the lady did seem kind enough, not like she was looking down on them. Lucy hoped she did not think she was better than them. "She's a school teacher, Lucy," Shawn answered, giving his sister a little nudge so that she would take her seat. "And a thumping good one at that." He winked at Robin before he could catch himself. If Robin were another black woman, the wink would have been taken as a silly tease, nothing at all harmful, but if someone caught him doing such a thing to a white lady, then all heck would break loose. Robin herself might become offended. "Oh really!" Lucy set down quickly and looked over at Robin with more eagerness in her eyes than she had before. "So you can read and write? What's it like? We only know a little, but not like novel reading or letter writing. Is it wonderful? Oh, I bet it is." Shawn felt himself blushing. Of course Lucy would be so outspoken.