The dawn was just beginning to break as birds sung their chorus to the rose tinted sky, dew clung to every surface, giving the impression that everything was shimmering. Luna blinked, eyes squinting in the brightness. For a moment she just sat there taking a moment to adjust to being awake, it wasn’t coming to her easily; she was groggy and unwilling to become fully conscious. The second thing she became aware of was the stiff pain in her right arm on the cut she had not attended too last night. Turning her head gently to the side to inspect the cut, shrugging her cloak off the arm she pulled aside the blood soaked green tunic. Hissing in slight pain she looked at the cut, it had been a near straight cut, although his knife had been a little jagged, it was scabbed over now but the skin around it red and inflamed. She poked it for a few seconds longer before concluding it was too painful to continue and she flicked her cloak back over her shoulders. It finally seemed to dawn on Luna where she was, they were still on Goya who had found a sheltered overhang to rest in and she was currently leaning against a warm and sleeping Illyce. The knight was well used to sleeping in the saddle and both horse and rider were well used to balancing correctly. Luna leaned forward slightly so she was no longer against Illyce and Goya raised his head to look round at her but she made a quiet whickering noise to him and he whinnied back. Trying her best to extricate herself from both human and horse was proving rather difficult. Gently tugging herself free without making noise was hard but after a few moments she seemed to be making some progress. However it was Luna’s day to learn that plans rarely went … well, to plan. With a ungraceful lurch and a stifled yelp of surprise Luna toppled off Goya and went crashing down onto the floor. She could not withhold the groan as she landed squarely on her injured arm. From the forest floor Goya looked massive and he snuffed concernedly at her as she moaned from the ground, half sincere and half dramatically.