~BOING!!!~Accepted!!! MEEE!!! Yays!!^^ Urshums and thanks ya. ;D Yeah, so I gets it about the time, ergo. No iphones, no google no answers not so convienient. xDDD And peeps in that time weren't so open to LGBTQ back then too right? Much hates... Right. Anyway... K, so hiiiiiiiiiiiii Xistina!!!^^ Yeah, that sounds about right between them. Makes sense. Thinks ya nailed how they would be together. Aimee is an immature, insecure, issues-weilding arsty fartsy chick. Like muh charrie wouldn't turn down any sisterly advice, but neither would muh Aimee go seeking it out. I think they are at 'acquaintance' level... dunno, kinda like you said. LIke when co-workers that just chit chat about the weather at work but never hang out outside of work hours and not even think about it. Aimee would probs describe Alma to her parents as 'just some lady from therapy.' Yeah, they are totes from different worlds. If anything, Aimee is kinda' like repeat counselling offender xDDD She's probably just got over another bout of therapies a few years ago, and she's probs thinking that she'll 'get over it' quicker this time around. Like I really do like your charrie, I doooo!!^^ But in terms of relationships and interactions I dun think our charries have much of it at all. U,u!! No spark, no chemistry between them. And actually, I think my charrie will be luke warm with everyone in the group since she is a bit selfish in her therapy. She dun like the group therapy and would prefer one on one with Doc Blake; Socail Anxiety disorder sufferer after all right? Like she is only now getting over the embarassment of puking in teh first group session. But she dun realize that the group sessions have been bringing her 'out of her shell' each time. Less and less silly comments and more and more paying attention and actually having something to say and add to convo, even if it is just a sentence with her opinion attached. K, I'll put it up in muh charrie shiet from a first person point of view, but thanks ya Xistina for the input^^ And I don't like loner isolated charries so if need be I will change muh charries condition so she can actually interact with peeps!!! really! ;D