[b][i][u]Mercy[/b][/i][/u] Mercy lowered her hands to her sides, looking from the red-head to the newcomer. He was holding a gun but he wasn’t aiming it at anyone, she looked back at the red-head as she sighed heavily and spoke to them lowering the gun so it faced the floor. [i]I was right...I hate being right[/i] She looked down at the backpack that was kicked towards her, she sighed to herself bending down and picking up her bow which she slung over her shoulder and held the arrow tightly between her fingers. She stepped forward and picked up the girls backpack passing it back to her. “I don’t need to see them, I believe you” She told her, her blue eyes reflecting the honesty of her words. She turned back to see Tamashii still holding her pistol up at the man, even after his reasonable comment. “Ash, he’s right” She backed him up, her expression stern as Tamashii looked at her. Mercy chewed her lip, she hastily poked the hammer into a side of her rucksack, holding her bow and the arrow with her spare hand. She moved over to the red-head so she was further away from the slow movers her eyes focused on the space between the ‘safe’ house and the house next door cautiously. [i]Who fired those shots?[/i] “We should go and see who fired those shots...what if they need help?” She murmured, her eyes drifting down the street she could see movement at the other end. “Or have supplies?” She added. “We’re really low on supplies...” Mercy murmured. [b][i][u]Tamashii[/b][/i][/u] Tamashii’s almost instantly pulled her pistol from its holster holding it up at the new guy, by the time he had stepped out the barrel was aimed at him and her finger hovered over the trigger. She took a step back moving closer to Mercy, noting his bullet proof vest her shoulders visibly tensed. [i]Shit, I knew it! [/i] She listened to what the guy said, but the paranoid part of her brain wouldn’t allow her to lower her gun. People had said that before...then when her back was turned...she swallowed a lump that had formed in her dry throat. Tamashii’s hands shook a little as she looked at Mercy, with a grunt of disapproval she lowered her weapon as well. “Fine, any funny business and I won’t hesitate” She grumbled aiming it more towards the man wearing the bullet proof vest. She spun round as she heard three shots echo around them, instantly leaping towards Mercy and looking down the street. “Judging from past experience, a lot” Tamashii commented, looking in the direction the guy was looking her eyes fell on the two figures moving toward them, her nose wrinkled as she studied them quickly taking in their blood stained grimy clothing and their pale rotting appearance, it was something she wasn’t sure she’d ever get used to seeing. She watched the guy pull a grimy baseball bat out of his duffel bag looking at the red-head as she spoke. [i]She’s right...[/i] She bit her lip trying to think fast, she saw Mercy pull her bow off of her shoulder and knock an arrow holding it loosely for the moment. “Maybe...but these things seem to be covering a sh-eet load of land, can’t trust it’s just the locals left” Tamashii answered, holstering her pistol and walking back over to where she had been standing before she picked up the hammer she had found earlier, testing its weight in her hand. Tamashii looked up at the baseball wielding man, her hazel eyes guarded. “Good plan, right here is the deal. If we want to get out of this we need to work together” She announced, contradicting how she had acted a moment before. [i]The house would be safe...but what if they horde in this direction? [/i] She looked at the dark haired man again; the two slow movers were dangerously close clearly attracted by their smell. Though Tamashii questioned how alluring sweat and dirt could actually smell... “You...vest guy, help me take these two out. You take the one on the left I’ll get the one on the right” She told him, moving over to Mercy she passed her the hammer and flexed the blade in her other hand. Tamashii lurched sideways as the slow mover lunged at her; she narrowly avoided its arms as they swung wildly trying to claw her. She pulled her arm back and plunged her knife into the side of its skull with a sickening squelch. She pulled back with a small grunt pushing the creature away from her, shaking her blade free of rotted flesh and brain gunk as she moved back over to Mercy and the red-head. She looked thoughtful at what Mercy had said. “They could have loads of supplies but they are going to be swarmed really soon after spraying those shots...” Tamashii looked over at the vest wearing man. “What do you think, worth having a look? You look as though you move fast. We could track forward and take a look whilst these two keep the house clear” Tamashii suggested. Her stomach knotting at the thought of letting Mercy out of her sight at the same time she figured it would be safer this way.