[Center][img]http://i.imgur.com/oq0j2AI.png[/img][/center] As they trudged their way to the castle, Lesley was already mentally drained and he sort of dragged his feet along the sol patterned pavement. It must have taken someone a whole lot of energy, patience, and time to ingrain every little piece of colored rock into the cement in order to make the hundreds of thirty-six inch suns that extended the road all over the kingdom's sidewalks. [b]Leon[/b]: “Hey, Riley? Who gave us the extra energy?” Hearing the inquiry, he was about to answer, but felt it would be rude since the question was not directed towards him. Listening and waiting to see if Riley could answer, he felt somewhat awkward for the kid because either Riley didn't even pick up that he was talking to her or maybe she was trying to avoid answering him. They were new, but sometimes people make barriers without getting to know people first. That was just human nature. We don't like others who do not conform or do something out of the ordinary. In fact, we shun those who are considered 'different'. He had encountered this type of discrimination way too many a times that he had completely lost the purpose of even counting. Whether it be his long pink hair or strange personality, people create inaccurate assumptions about him without proper evidence. Luckily, over the years, he's gotten used to mocking glares and confused faces because out of the unpleasant "judgers", there was always those who accepted the outstanding. Individuals who cherished the unique and camouflaged. Turning to the crowned fellow, he was dumbfounded to find that the guy was in fact staring at him, his expression holding definite expectancy for... a response. From who? Lesley blinked a couple of times and spread an awkward [url=http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2011/07/13/article-2014412-0CFB641900000578-390_468x582.jpg]superficial grin[/url] across his face. "Yes hunny, what did you want?" he asked politely, the entrance to the castle was coming into clear view. [b]Leon:[/b]“Who gave us the extra energy?” The golden-eyed male repeated his question with a crooked mouth. "Oh!", Lesley gasped in surprise and he began to chuckle. "It was Jasper," he pointed to the back of the white haired girl who got kissed earlier,"You see her? Yup, she's a healer. That's the power her amulet gave her. Yours is wind am I right?" The boy had probably moved on to ask him about it since Riley had supposedly ignored his first try. Lesley couldn't help but sympathize as they were finally led to meet Tobias, the prince of Sol. ---- [b]Tobias[/b]:"Avian, Victoria, Zephy, you all have my sincerest gratitude. Thank you for coming to our aid. Please send the queen my thanks. I wish I could give you some cakes and drinks, but there won't be any time." What a surprise. He was so young, yet his troubled face resembled that of overly stressed mothers trying to raise children while balancing work and cleaning the house. Dark curves were forming below his eyes and also looked more sunken into their sockets. Lesley just wanted to pick him up and cuddle him. No kid his age should ever have to go through such immense pressure. A map of his domain was spread over the table on which he pointed out where the pesky dragons lived. Harper and Riley spoke up about the problems they would be having since the item they currently needed is a result of happiness, not of death. The prince replied tiredly stating he didn't care how, but he just wanted them to stop the dragons for whatever reasons the creatures had for waging war. [b]Tobias:[/b] "After all this is over, I'll make sure to treat you all to Sol's renowned strawberry cake. Thank you." Lesley smiled. He was always up for dessert. ---- [hider=Armor][img]http://i.picresize.com/images/2014/05/02/mAfwv.png[/img][/hider] Outfitted in his protective attire, they were then led to the stable. Everyone looked great and he beamed at his own set of clothing, liking the fit and feeling more secure knowing it would provide some safeguard from oncoming attacks. Well at least he hoped. As far as weapons went, Lesley was absolutely uncomfortable taking one. Detesting the idea of killing something, he even regretted killing those slimes from earlier just with his rainbow powers, but deliberately using an object for the sole purpose of causing harm was wholly against his personal principles. Not only that, Lesley intensely hated sharp things. Scissors, knifes, even the pointy corners of tables could set him off. And people wonder why his hair is so darn long. Besides, who needs blades and knives when you had an amulet full of power-giving water inside of it? They were kindly greeted by a rabbit-eared Nobody and he wasn't certain on how to respond since he had never actually met her before. Continuing into the barn, large yellow birds were enclosed within separate stalls and some were already out and armored, ready for them to ride off into battle. He cringed at the thought of charging at a fire breathing dragon on one of those things and suddenly finding that you're seated on a giant Thanksgiving turkey. Seeing Riley prop herself onto one, the rest began to follow in her lead, many of them hesitant. Except for Inadi who went into a [i]Chocobo[/i] craze at the sight of the many Big Bird's. As Lesley approached one of the enlarged chickens though, an over-sized tiger intercepted his path and neared his hands, tongue stuck out as it licked his fingers in encouragement to be petted. Being the animal lover that he is, Lesley was more than willing to satisfy its nudges for attention until a guard stepped into shoo the feline elsewhere. Frowning a bit, he wanted to tweak the guard on the ear, but since he had performed those actions with good intentions, the disappointed Les continued towards one of the calmer looking [i]Aves[/i], one that wasn't participating in "Kweh's" to Inadi, and cautiously slipped himself on like he would if he were getting himself onto a horse back on earth. His mounting procedures were a success and it helped that his chosen ride didn't seem to be the most excited of the bunch. It just silently stood there, staring straight ahead as if Lesley's presence didn't even exist. [b]Inadi:[/b]“Excuse me, I hate to be a bother but I have a quick question? Do you have any Gyshal Greens here? Or is that asking a little too much to make this whole thing the perfect experience.” His once motionless Chocobo suddenly perked up, twitching to life as it cocked its headed towards Inadi. "Woah...WOAH!" The yellow creature clambered out of its quarter straight for the boy who had said something all the Chocobo's were certainly excited about. Craning its neck slightly, it poked its head beside the questioning Inadi and "Kweh-ed" as a clear vocal supporter of the male's request. Lesley chuckled and peeked from behind the two eager queriers.