Gaizen stared on as the girl who had sat in front him him went off near the tables of the masters, grabbed a bread roll, and began walking back with no spoon in her hand. Gai wondered if she had forgotten, and began to remind her before she had returned. When he saw the spoon fall off the table, he thought nothing of it at first, a simple accidental bump of the elbow. When he saw it float over Tachi's head, his eyes widened a bit. There was no way any one, let alone a bending master in front of their peers, would allow that to slide. Hell would have to be payed, and this was confirmed for Gai when she got up. The two exchanged a few quips before the the spoon fell onto the young woman's head with a load crack, causing guy to cringe a bit. Gai was surprised when she returned and handed him the spoon, acting as if it hadn't happened, but figured it would be best to not question it. He took a sip of the soup gratefully, and realized that it indeed had begun to get cold. He noticed the woman staring expectantly, and complied by holding the bowl out with both hands. A few seconds passed before steam began to rise, and Gai again began eating. He began to thank her, when the roof and walls suddenly collapsed to a barrage of armed men pouring down on them. The collapse caused a pillar to separate the two groups who had been eating, but Gai didn't bother to look over at their mentors. He was sure that they would be fine, and if they weren't, then it wouldn't matter. The rest of them would fall as well. He saw Lemur jet away from them, but he couldn't figure out why. Was she planned to take them on alone? Go around and flank them? Based on how excitable she was, he didn't doubt it. When he saw her running back he knew she was in trouble, especially when, despite her impressive dodges, she was caught out and slammed into a wall. Gai himself was a bit flabbergasted when he saw the hoard pour in. How had they managed to invade the White Lotus so thoroughly? He figured that it didn't matter at this point, but was curious non the less. Gai began stepping back as warriors approached him, separated himself from the others, moving towards the pillars. Three men went after him, and Gai instinctively unwrapped the bow from his back, drew back an arrow, and shot one in the leg. He realized that they wouldn't be able to take them all out that way when two more replaced him. Gai threw his bow to the side and swept his foot towards the men, sending off a wave of flame. He didn't stick around long enough to see who had taken the blunt of the attack, and ran off to get in between Lemur and the warriors who where now closing in on her, figuring it would be a pain to lose the one person he managed to speak to so far. The man with the mace who had halted Lemurs evasive maneuvers to begin with swiped at Gai. Gai shifted his body in an attempt to dodge the blow, but a spike jotting out from the mans weapon grazed his cheek. Gai blasted the man away with a bolt of flame. He saw others begin to close in on the pair, and prepared to hold them back to allow the woman to regain her breath. Gai glanced back to see her still on the ground. "Lemur, help me! There's no end to these guys." Rather then trying to blast the oncoming men away, Gai swiped his elbows back and forth, causing thin slices of intense flame to form in between them and the men, swinging back and forth like pendulums. He could only hope that she would be able to get up before the invaders reached them.