"Don't worry, I'll let you have one more go lass." [b]"Why thank you! You're to kind, surely..."[/b] Annabeth was at a stall with a knife-throwing game. However, a few rounds in and she knew the game was rigged. More than half the knives were duller than golem, and the target was covered in so many gouges that it was one hammer blow from shattering into splinters, but also made it near impossible to get a solid stick with the dulled blades. However, despite the odds being stacked against her, Annabeth was about to hustle a few gentlemen of their gold. She had purposely lost a few rounds, allowed the men to "Show her how it's done", and made a pet with them. The current pot was twenty gold, when the price to play was only five silvers. Her opponent just went, sinking two knives into the bullseye and one at the thirty point circle. Now it was Annabeth's turn to show them just how outclassed they were. She couldn't throw a real knife to save her life, but she could throw these blunted ones to win her some gold. Her first shot missed horribly, causing the crowd to giggle at her failure. Her second one stuck onto the wooden backboard, but not the target. "Aye lass, we can still split the winnings, thirty for me ten for you, if ya give me a kiss!" [b]"I think not. The game is mines, after all."[/b] Thanks to all the games, she figured out the best balance for the knives, and used sharpened then against one another to create a finer point on each of them. Her third knife landed on a bullseye. So did her fourth. "Oi, that's good lass, but now there isn't any room on the bullseye! Even if ya hit the thirty point, we'd be tied and have to play again..." The other player's voice seemed agitated, now knowing that Annabeth nearly conned him out of his money. Or rather, just did. She threw her last knife at the target. She was indeed trying to go for the thirty point, but done something even better. Her last knife knocked away one of her opponent's loose blades, replacing it with her own. [b]"Three Bullseyes. Thanks for the lesson gentlemen, I won't be forgetting it."[/b] Annabeth quickly gathered her winnings and left, leaving the others smiling at their own foolishness as they left to play other games. With her purse a bit heavier, Annabeth decided to buy herself some treats. A delicacy from a far off land, fried maple leaves. At first she had her doubts, but they bad a crunchy, crispy apple taste, but also fairly dry. Which in turned made her want to buy some bubbling juice; it was a sweet grape flavored drink that fizzed in your mouth. She couldn't really drink it strait, so she took sips or small gulps. It went well with the fried maple leaves. Annabeth finished off her snacks and wondered around, taking in the sights and sounds. It was refreshing from the college's usual quiet and but erratic environment. Sure it was loud and bustling now, it at least it won't constantly switch between peace and quiet and sudden and drastic danger like the college tends to do. Not a week goes by at the college what something bursts into flames when it's not suppose to be one fire, or a vicious demons is unleashed and gets beaten into the stone, or half the college is covered in a thick smog. This was a nice change of pace. Of course Annabeth's own pace came to a sudden stop when she near ran into someone. [b]"Whoa!"[/b] She jerked her head towards what she was about to hit, thinking that it was a Eysire. Instead what she saw was much more... Different. Large boar like tusks, long ears, four digit hands and feet, a haunch but lanky body. She had no idea who or what this was, and was a bit afraid. At least until she spoke her name. It was familiar, like it was... [b]"Lidda? Oh my I... I've seen you take many forms before, but I've never seen you take this one..."[/b] Not too far away she saw the Eania Ambassador, which cased Annabeth to back up and bow towards him. [b]"G-greeting sir! I'm not disturbing anything, am I?"[/b]