[u]Character:[/u] [b]Name:[/b] Gresforn Cromrakk (Formerly Ithric) [b]Age: [/b]130 (Would be in his late 20s in human years) [b]Race:[/b] Arakan [b]Country of Birth:[/b] Arakan Expanse [b]Country of Origin:[/b] Arakan Expanse [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider=Gresforn][img]http://th07.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2013/068/e/6/warrior_by_ameeeeba-d5xc828.jpg[/img][/hider] The armor consists iron shoulder pads, cuirass and gauntlets over leather. It is quite light and allows maximum movement. The armor is covered with scars from the many battles he has fought. He is an imposing figure, standing 6'5 and weighing 240 pounds. Despite his size, he moves quickly. The body beneath the armor is chiseled from years of labor, exercising and fighting. He wields two identical swords. [hider=One of his swords][img]http://images.bidorbuy.co.za/user_images/916/2153916/2153916_121009143727_rod010-2.jpg[/img][/hider] [b]Bio:[/b] Gresforn was the second born son of Beson Ithric, who is currently the leader of the Arakan clans, though Gresforn was born before his father was the Arakan leader, back then his father was just an advisor to the leader. His childhood was like any other Arakan, lots of fighting, training and exercises. Him and his father were at odds in his youth, they clashed over ideas, his father always favored Gresforn’s older brother whom was the better speaker, negotiator and scholar. Gresforn was just the better warrior. Almost right after Gresforn reached adulthood, his clan was thrust into the limelight, the current leader of the clan’s passed away, just before his death he named Beson as his chosen heir to take control of the clans, Beson was the leader’s closest friend and most trusted advisor. Once he died, Beson assumed control. Gresforn always thought his father would be a good leader, even if he wasn’t the best father. Almost a decade later into Beson’s rule, a significant event happen in Gresforn’s life, he was charged with two murders. The two people he was accused of killing were the head of the Kacar clan and his second wife. The even happened at a party which Beson had sent Gresforn to attend in his place. The morning after the party, the Kacar leader and his wife were found in pools of blood with cuts across their throats. Gresforn was the primary suspect as his own dagger was near him when he awoke, the dagger also had blood on it. He denied committing the killings as he claimed he had no reason to kill them and that he did not remember actually killing them. His clan had a rough relationship before the murders anyway; they constantly clashed over ideals for the Arakans. If it weren’t for Beson’s apology and speech, then the Kacar would have likely declared war and thousands would have died. Gresforn was put under full investigation then given a trial in front of the elders. He was found guilty and therefore, exiled from the Arakan Expanse. His clan name was taken from him, his names stripped from the record books, his family removed him as a member. His born surname was removed, his new surname is the word "clanless" in Arakan. He had reached the lowest of lows in the Arakan social circle, an exiled criminal. He was exiled the day after the trial, given a change of simple clothing along with a dagger and a canteen of water, this is what is customarily given to exiles right before they leave. He immediately left, crossing the desert and then passed through the mountains, entering Lamea. He has spent the last thirty years as a soldier for hire, floating from place to place. [b]Personality:[/b] Gresforn is a warrior through and through. He does not speak much, rather preferring his actions to speak for him. He will only engage in regular conversation with those he deems worthy, those that earned his respect (fellow warriors, trusted allies, those that rank higher in command, etc). Other people he just tends to ignore. [b]Combat Skills:[/b] - Great swordsman, especially with his twin swords. - Solid hand to hand combatant knows how to take down an opponent. - Great reflexes. - Will occasionally enter berserker mode in which he will go into a bloodlust state, ignoring his own pain in favor of inflicting more pain on his enemies. [b]Adventuring & Survival Skills:[/b] - A skilled fisherman and hunter. - Used to living in tough conditions, he knows how to survive in the harshest of environments. - Knows how to clean and bandage up wounds. [b]Other Skills:[/b] - Solid tactician and battle planner. [b]Reason for traveling:[/b] Exiled from his homeland, he seeks a relic to bring back to his people to return home. [b]Other:[/b] Also carries a canteen of fresh water on him.