Name: Damian Kain Age: 243 Race: Demon Country of Birth: Yeas Numir Seyur Country of Origin: Yeas Numir Seyur Appearance: [img=] Bio: Though Damian's largely forgotten about his early years, it follows a fairly standard practice; he was created mostly for the purpose of killing the enemies of his summoner, only to go rogue in a few years after his summoner died. Afterwards he lived in the wilds, fought anything that came in way, and occasionally gets enslaved to some spellcaster and does wet work for him. It really wasn't until he was around 84 that Damian decided to grow sentient, taking the name of his last master, whom he killed. But he had a bit of a problem; see, demons weren't really welcomed if they weren't leashed to a handler, and the few towns were demons could roam free didn't have many jobs for him that wasn't simply being hired muscle. He had to admit, fighting was what he's done for most of his life, but he wanted a change of pace. He wanted to do something a bit more than just killing people. So he began to study magic. As a demon, he had a natural talent for the spell arts, he just needed to figure out what sort of magic he wanted to study. He picked up many types of magic, spending a good hundred or so years constantly studying, trying to improve and create new magics. It wasn't until he tried his hand at the conjuration arts that something went horribly amiss. He tried to create another demon to serve him, but... What happened instead was that he created another demon [i]inside[/i] of him. In his own mind, who would take over his own body. If he couldn't fight her off anyways. At first it wasn't too much of a problem. Without a physical body to inhabit the (Other) demon inside of him had no chance to grow. Little did he know that whenever he rested, she took over, and for hundreds of years she began to grow stronger. And due to his own power, she too shared his abilities, his knowledge, and his sentience. Soon enough the two began to fight and bicker over his body, never really defeating one another. Sure, more often than not he was the dominate personality, but there were times where she would take over, sometimes only for minutes, usually for days however. Having enough of constantly switching back and forth with her, Damian sought out the Well of Wishes to free her from his body, so that he may continue to live without her constant presence. Personality: Damian is a no-nonsense demon. He doesn't care for physical pleasure or fulfilling his mortal desires; if he has a goal, that's all he's going for. Everything else has to stand aside or get destroyed. Not to say that he can't have multiples goals, but he's a very calculating person, putting numbers to things that might not seem important to him, but could mean the world to others. He is not without empathy, but he can certainly ignore if it means getting what he needs. "Eyes on the prize" is what he would live by. Combat Skills: Damian spent his early years as a battle thrall, and despite being a scholar afterwards, he hasn't lost his touch. He could very well see danger where it will effect him, and can move to ensure it doesn't. Even if he has to take a hit, he's very durable, and combined with his speed makes him difficult to kill. Additionally, he has knowledge of various offensive spells, most of them being Shapeshifting and a few Illusions. He could also use his conjuration magic to summon minions for him for a limited time, fighting or otherwise serving him on his behalf. Adventuring & Survival Skills: Damian has much knowledge on all things magical, and could identify enchantments, spells, curses, and other magical things with a short glance. He also has some alchemical knowledge and could figure out some poisons and restorative items so long as it's nothing too exotic. Other Skills: Damian is a quick study and has a great memory. He did not spend 243 years idly; he has at some point done just a bit of everything, well enough that he could be fairly decent with some prep time. Reason for traveling: Separating the other demon inside of him. Other: Damian has created a small pocket dimension for him to store his items through magic. Many of his belongings are here, and serves as his home. However he requires a very rare, very expensive Portcrystal, which allows him to use his conjuration magic to summon himself to the location of the Portcrystal. It has limited uses before breaking, and he unfortunately does not have one currently. He can, however, open a portal to his pocket dimension and allow someone else through, holding it open for them to come and go or letting them stay there indefinitely. It's very taxing however, so he can only do it once a day.