Dollars, that was pre-war currency wasn't it? All those papers that she kept finding back at the wasteland. Good toiletries, but now they had value instead of caps. Fine with her though, it was a pain in the ass to carry a thousand of those things. Still... This girl, carrying thousands of dollars? To "Save the world"? This was all just way too good to be true. Until she had some cold-hard cash in her hands in the next few hours, she wasn't even going to say yes. Xia needed to know more about what she was about to get herself into than all this vague nonsense. Luckily, she found someone who she could use. [b]"This all sounds really good in all... But I think I'm not the only one interested in this job. Spiky over there has been giving you the eye since you walked over."[/b] She first noticed the man when his spikes poked through his cloak and into the chair. Reminded her of a lot of raiders back where she came from, who dressed in a similar fashion to make it harder to grapple with them. Underneath the table Xia had both her pistols ready in case he meant trouble, cause from the way he had his hand on his sword, he was expecting it.