Christian felt horribly guilty for injecting her with the pain killer as he was unable to inform her of what he was going to do first but she was an intelligent life form and picked up on what was going on almost instantaneously. He touched her chest and then his in quick succession, he did not know what this meant but her body language would indicate that she was not angry and perhaps grateful. Perhaps that is how they say "thank you" he pondered, he had seen her use this gesture before back at the crash site. He saw her body relax and the uncomfortable look of pain on her face fade as he moved back to his scanner. He had spent eight years studying other creature's physiology and this creature was a humanoid, he knew he may be able to put his skills to good use but he was also apprehensive of hurting her. She was not in any immediate danger from what looked like a dislocated hip although he did want to fix her before the morphine wore off and she would be subjected to pain again. He studied the scans intensely as she began to speak and point at her tail. He hadn't noticed that she had such a feature before and stood up from his desk to approach, he smiled as she shook his head revealing that he had no such feature himself. He excused himself for a moment and return with a pillow and a blanket. He placed the pillow under her head and the blanket over her. The table must have been uncomfortable and the Arbiter VI compound was cold. He went back to look at the scan of his patient and decided that if he did not act she would likely be in a lot of pain and he had no way of finding one of her own kind to aid her. Her anatomy seemed similar enough and he had done this maneuver often on humans, he took a breath and moved to her side. He tried to talk in a comforting voice as he explained that he was going to try and fix her. He pointed to her hip while he spoke in hopes he would not surprise her when he began to try to help. "I am going to try and reposition the hip joint by applying force to the leg." He said softly "By doing this I hope to avoid surgery" He continued "This is called a closed reduction of the hip replacement, you shouldn't feel much pain due to the morphine I gave you earlier." He smiled but looked slightly nervous and stressed. He placed his hands on her hip and found an adequate position and then looked at her trying to convey that he was about to attempt the repair. Christian then applied a lot of force but was unsuccessful the first time and he relieved the force, he cursed as he did worried that he may have hurt her but my making this mistake he quickly found the correct place he should have applied pressure. He positioned his hands on her again gently and then applied a large amount of force and within a moment a click was heard indicating that the hip had dislocation had been repaired. Christian let out a relieved sigh as he slumped back in his chair. He wanted to move her to somewhere more comfortable and perhaps offer her something to eat but first he should let her rest. Moments later he became curious of her name, she had been clever enough to decipher his among all the words unknown to her that he was babbling but he had not been able to work hers out. He moved his chair closer and pointed to himself. "Christian" He said as he pointed to himself and then he pointed to her. He repeated again as to make sure he was making himself clear "Christian" he said once more and then gestured to himself in hopes that she would understand what he was trying to do.