[hider=Neigh][URL=http://s875.photobucket.com/user/Hurvest_Moonstruck/media/fasttalkerfastrunner_zps36c2371c.png.html][IMG]http://i875.photobucket.com/albums/ab316/Hurvest_Moonstruck/fasttalkerfastrunner_zps36c2371c.png[/IMG][/URL] Name: Ell-Lakt (Though she usually prefers to go by just Ell.) Age: 23 Race: Centaur Height: 14.3 hands (about 4.7 feet at the withers) with an added 3.2 feet of human torso Abilities: She can poop standing up! Really though, the only truly remarkable thing about her besides the horse rear is her speed. She's not a racehorse by any standards, but she can probably outrun your average Joe-schmo centaur or horse with ease. Prison Outfit: Ell wears a tight, bright orange shirt. The sleeves come all the way down to her hands and there are pseudo-gloves on the end that wrap around her thumbs and cover her palms. The midsection of her horse torso and legs are wrapped with the same fluorescent material to prevent her from sneaking around in the dark and to make her much easier to spot should she decide to book it. Personality: “Filter? What's a filter? Ugh, never mind. I have to go take a massive dump.” Ell is crude, mouthy and oftentimes sarcastic. She's also the type of boisterous person that tends to get into comfort zones and smack her friends around. Her demeanor can certainly be too much for people, but she mostly just tries to be as lighthearted and fun-loving as possible in attempt to optimistic and bring folks out of their shells. (She means well, she really does.) And, while it may take her a while to notice her antics annoy somebody, she tries her hardest to rein in some of her energy if she can tell somebody isn't quite lovin' what she brings to the table. Surprisingly though, she's actually a very good listener. The few people that needed a shoulder to cry on, a friend to rant to, or just somebody to listen to them ramble ended up pleasantly, well, surprised. History: Centaurs, as a whole, do not lead particularly interesting or even pleasant lives. They're third rate fantasy creatures at best, and as such are seen as lower-class citizens. Their career paths are extremely limited and quite unglamorous as a result; they are valets that both unload carriages and pull them, they plow land for farmers, they are both the stable hand and the prized pony of snotty rich children and so on and so forth. Since they are technically more beast of burden than humanoid, they tend to comply without complaint and live out the entirety of their lives working themselves to the bone hoping the people that own/employ them die before they do so they can get even a sliver of an inheritance for their troubles. Ell-Lackt began her working life as a young widower's gardener. It was an odd job for a centaur, but it was the only work available near the small village she lived in at the time and it didn't pay quite as poorly as being a plow horse would. It was a rather lucky break on her part. The woman was very quiet, usually preferring to simply leave a list of tasks to be completed on the shed door. Even on days when Ell slacked, the woman hardly even seem to care. The rather cushy job lasted for a good year or so until tragedy stuck. One day when she came into work, there was a small crowd gathered outside the estate. Many of them were wearing elegant mourning clothes while the rest were rubber-necking villagers with nothing better to do on a Thursday morning. She soon found out that her employer had conveniently 'fallen' off a balcony on the eve of the third anniversary of her husband's death. Ell almost would have felt sorry for her if she hadn't left her such beautiful golden jewelry. Her monthly pay check and a small bonus was even enclosed in the parcel left to her. She promptly took the money and bought herself a rather... Rustic apartment in the big city and eventually was recruited to be a mail courier by a new delivery service just as her savings were dwindling down to nothing. It put her speed to the test and was great exercise, so all seemed right with the world as she was receiving a modest but steady paycheck again. Then she got arrested and now she's here. Yep.[/hider] Woo, finally finished. Sorry about the sloppy history, but that's always my least favorite part to mess with. Besides, I can always come up with a childhood or whatever for her later. On the fly character development is best character development.